The perfect TEFL program for me

Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Facilities: 4
Safety: 5

After graduating college, I wanted to make a smart choice about how I should move into this next phase of my life, one which would inspire me, provide me with unique experiences, allow me to use my strengths, challenge me to grow, and still advance my future academic and professional career. After months of searching for the perfect TEFL program, I was confident in my choice to study through ITTO with Maximo Nivel in Cusco, Peru. However, I found myself very unsure the night before the course as to whether the program would be as exemplary as advertised. I was both ecstatic and relieved to find myself enrolled in a program which aligned with my own teaching values, challenging TEFL students to facilitate language learning instead of teaching through lecture or translation. I knew I was in for a demanding month, but I was ready to use the multiple resources that the beautiful Maximo Nivel learning center provides its TEFL students to grow into confident, informed, and well-rounded English teachers.

I was consistently amazed by how quickly we could cover material in this course, while still retaining and applying that same information. The instructor’s passion for the material was evident as she epically modeled each teaching technique and made herself always available for support or discussion outside of regular classroom hours. Now, I feel able to confidently walk into a room full of a variety of people, who speak no English at all and whose language(s) I do not speak, and be able to effectively communicate and teach.

I believe in being a part of the place that you are visiting, and this certification will allow me to provide a community that I spend time in with something in return for allowing me to experience their part of the world. Outside of the actual course, the centrally-located facilities and welcoming staff of Maximo Nivel made my entire experience in Cusco smooth and exciting. The course was organized so that I still had plenty of time to explore Peru and make lasting connections with my fellow TEFLers. I am so completely proud to have graduated from this internationally-recognized program, and I will never forgot the experience.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed