Alumni Spotlight: Sydney Johnson

Traveled across the globe to 4 continents and they’re not even done high school yet. They’re currently developing a travel app.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose Travel for Teens because I wanted to travel on my own and this was the travel company I found. They had great trip options and a great reputation. From all the other companies I looked at touring with, they mostly do tours for schools and not just solo teens.

Travel for Teens offers great trips for teens travelling solo, so I chose to travel with them.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

They helped me with everything: the itinerary, what to pack, how to get in touch with everyone, where to find my pictures, and how to email the trip counsellors. The counsellors sent out emails and texts to all of us before the trip, exciting us more, and we also got a look into who they are before the trip too. They were great at making sure I was ready for my trip.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

If I were to give anyone going on a TFT trip advice, I would definitely tell them to just live in the moment and try as many new things as possible and to buy the picture package. The counsellors take great pictures and I did not buy it, so all of my pictures are blurry and have the TFT logo. Trust me, you’ll want those great pics to post on social media and they won’t look that good if they’re blurry and have a logo on them.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

It can be a very busy day but when you’re travelling; every day is a busy day.

An average day would be you waking up and getting dressed then going to the hotel for breakfast. You’d meet everyone at breakfast and chat before going back to your rooms to get ready for the day ahead. You’d then take whatever transportation you have to get to your first activity and then all the activities after that.

At the end of the day, you’ll return to your hotel and go out for dinner or stay in. Either way, you’ll be with everyone on your trip.

After dinner, there might be an activity or tour, or there might be a little game you might play or quick discussion. Then you’ll return to your rooms where you chat with your roommates and go to sleep, excited for the next day of your adventure.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

Being a Canadian travelling with an all American group, I was afraid that politics or stereotypes might come into conflict since there was a lot going on between our two countries at the time. I definitely overcame that fear when I met my group. Everyone was very welcoming, especially the tour guides, who made sure everything was good between all of us.

Is there anything you think Travel For Teens should change?

I think the company is amazing and definitely lets your teen be treated like a young adult and not a kid. Absolutely worth the money.

If they had to change anything, though, I would say a bit less tours. For example, we had a tour at the Van Gogh museum and the entire time the lady told us about Van Gogh’s life and we only go to see 3 paintings. I would’ve loved it if we could explore on our own and meet back to our counsellors at a certain time.

But everything else was amazing!