Alumni Spotlight: Andrea Venegas

Andrea Venegas

What inspired you to teach ESL?

Andrea: Since English is my second language, over the years studying it and working at multinational companies, I realized the importance of learning a new language nowadays and how the experience is better if you enjoy what you are learning. Also, my mom is a teacher, so, teaching is something I feel really close to, and I have always wanted to try it. My main goals are to teach ESL in a way that inspires and helps people and to have the opportunity to travel.

Why did you choose Costa Rica TEFL?

Andrea: I found out about Costa Rica TEFL through a friend that wanted to teach and live in Costa Rica and I really liked the way the program was organized, the benefits it offered compared to other programs and the location (Playa Samara) was also a great motivation.

Andrea (far right) with her fellow teachers and trainers

Describe your day to day activities as a student in Costa Rica TEFL.

Andrea: You start teaching the first week and the hours per week will depend on the size of your class. I took the course on August 2012 with 3 other teachers so we taught 20 hours in 4 weeks, two or three times a week. You start the day at 10.30 with "Troubleshooting" where you present your lesson plan for your class and activities to the teacher-trainer and your peers and they all give you feedback. After that there is a class until 12.30, and after lunch you go to another class usually until 3.30; that is the moment where you can finish everything for your lesson in order to teach that day. The ESL classes start at 5.30 and last for two hours. The trainer and your peers are in the class with you and they will give you feedback which is a great way to improve what you are doing. You spend your days planning your lessons and also taking classes, so your schedule is always full of activities during the week.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Samara beach in Costa Rica

Andrea: This experience has made me realize that there are more options than I thought and I feel a huge desire to use teaching as a tool for traveling and learning about new cultures while I'm inspiring people to do the same. Also it helped me appreciate what teaching really is and understand how you really need to love it and feel that passion to be able to enjoy it.

What is one piece of advice you would give to those thinking about pursuing a TEFL certificate?

Andrea: I would recommend that all TEFL teachers do extensive research about the country and the program they want and look for the ones that are the best fit for them, personally and professionally. Try to have an open mind about the cultural differences and difficulties you may experience, this way you will have a better time immersing into the country's culture and daily life.