Go Abroad China- Intern and Study in China

Go Abroad China

Why choose Go Abroad China?

Go Abroad China, the leading provider of Internship Abroad and Chinese Learning in China with 15-year experience, has satisfied 4000+ talented youths from 50 countries with our tailor-made summer, winter, gap-year, high-school & volunteer programs to enjoy language Immersion and enhance their global employability.

With 1000+ established partnerships from Fortune 500 organizations to big Chinese companies, International organizations and start-ups, we guarantee 2000+ high-level paid internship positions in 20+ important industry sectors such as Business development, Finance, Consultancy, Marketing, etc. in fast-growing Chinese cities.

Our Learn Chinese program offers a variety of customizable options on the universities, program level and intensity, duration of the study term, and courses from classes, intensive small-group or one to one tutoring leveled from total beginners to advanced students.


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Yes, I recommend this program

I spent three happy months in Shanghai as an intern learning Chinese.

I'm from the USA and I'm currently here in Shanghai for 3 months for a internship as well as individual Chinese lessons. I came here through GoAbroadChina and they were really helpful with the whole process they helped me find a company that was because I'm not super fluent in Mandarin so they helped me find a company that was based internationally and had a firm here, so they were really accommodating for that and it's also helping me a lot with my Chinese being able to kind of communicate a little bit in English too. They also help me find my individual lessons which was really helpful, the teacher is super nice. She caters towards your needs so some of my goals include being able to speak daily with my family members as well as with like locals so that's been really helpful and then they've also been really helpful just with getting me settle in - so picking me up from the airport, making sure that I knew my way around, and just having someone there constantly if you need help. Just to message or if you have any simple questions is so much better than just throwing yourself out there and not knowing anything so that was really helpful.

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Yes, I recommend this program

I spent three happy months in Shanghai as an intern learning Chinese.

I'm from the USA and I'm currently here in Shanghai for 3 months for a internship as well as individual Chinese lessons . I came here through GoAbroadChina and they were really helpful with the whole process - I'm not super fluent in mandarin so they helped me find a company that was based internationally and had a firm here, so they were really accommodating for that and it's also helping me a lot with my Chinese being able to communicate a little bit in English too. They also help me find my individual lessons which was really helpful, the teacher is super nice. She caters towards your needs so some of my goals
include being able to speak daily with my family members as well as with like locals so that's been really helpful and then they've also been um really helpful just with getting me settle in so picking me up from the airport making sure that I knew my way around and just having someone there constantly if you need help just to message or if you have any simple questions is so much better than just kind of throwing yourself out there and not knowing anything so that was really helpful.

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Yes, I recommend this program

GoAbroadChina helped me sort out any issues that I had

To begin, with I got in touch with them about a year ago and then GoAbroadChina sent me an accepting email. I was very fortunate to have GoAbroadChina as they helped me sort out my accommodation, my visa as well as a lot of other extra services that I would require. They arranged airport pick-up, my SIM card so I could be able to get internet and communicate with anyone.

GoAbroadChina also helped set up Chinese courses, set up tours for me to explore China. I actually visited Beijing with GoAbroadChina guides and it was an amazing experience.

GoAbroadChina also helped me sort out any issues that I had. I had a few problems visiting the hospital and they made sure that I was able go to the hospital with the translator. I've had an amazing experience with GoAbroadChina and I really really would recommend.

  • GoAbroadChina helped me sort out my accommodation, my visa as well as a lot of other extra services that I would require. They arranged airport pick-up, my SIM card.
  • GoAbroadChina also helped set up Chinese courses, set up tours for me to explore China.
  • GoAbroadChina also helped me sort out any issues that I had. I had a few problems visiting the hospital and they made sure that I was able go to the hospital with the translator.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Go Abroad China's high school Chinese language immersion program

My name is Malin Stifler. I'm from Orlando Florida and I joined Go Abroad China's high school Chinese language immersion program for two weeks.

I am doing it with my sister and we are in Beijing staying with a host family. Every Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 12:00, we attend language classes and we take two classes. The first one is easier and then the second one is a bit harder but it's still really fun. I've been learning a lot from both of the classes and my Mandarin is improved a lot. It was really great to be immersed in the culture and in the language to learn so much and overall it was just a really great experience in the classes. We made a lot of new friends and we met so many people from so many different countries. The first class I think it really helped me with some like basic vocabulary and basic grammar and then the second class even though it's a bit harder it helped my comprehension a lot. I learned at a much quicker pace than I would have in the US. It was just a super great opportunity.

The school was only a few subway stops away and there's subway so fast here so it was not a problem taking it at all. The area that the school was very international so it was really cool to see all the different restaurants and see so many foreigners from different places. They're just cool to interact with everybody.

In the afternoons we would come home or we would go sightseeing. We went to the temple of heaven in the Forbidden City and so many other cool places like temples and places. Because Beijing is so big and has so many different places to visit and on the weekends we would hang out with the host family and the I always talk to the little girl and the mom.

We got to visit a lot of like daily Beijing life stuff like the supermarket and like the mall which are both really big and totally different from what we have in America. Being immersed here is just such an amazing experience and if I had the chance I would definitely do it again. I definitely take language classes again so I can meet all of these so cool like people there were so many different places.

Overall is just so cool being in Beijing and I had a really great time being here even though it was only for two weeks. I've learned so much I wish I could stay longer but overall the trip was really great.

  • intensive small group Chinese class for high school students
  • My Home Stay family was very nice and I’d say the whole thing was once in a life time experience.
  • Extra activities GAC provides are more tailored for foreign young people
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Yes, I recommend this program

GoAbroadChina high school small group Chinese class with homestay

My name is Malin Stifler. I'm from Orlando Florida and I joined Go Abroad China's high school Chinese language immersion program for two weeks.

I do it with my sister and we're in Beijing staying with a host family. Every Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 12:00, we attend language classes and we take two classes. The first one is easier
and then the second one is a bit harder but it's still really fun. I've been learning a lot from both of the classes and my Mandarin is improved a lot. It was really great to be immersed in the culture and in the language to learn so much and overall it was just a really great experience in the classes. We made a lot of new friends and we met so many people from so many different countries. The first class I think it really helped me with some like basic vocabulary and basic grammar and then the second class even though it's a bit harder it helped my comprehension a lot. I learned at a much quicker pace than I would have in the US. It was just a super great opportunity.

The school was only a few subway stops away and there's subway so fast here so it was not a problem taking it at all. The area that the school was very international so it was really cool to see all the different restaurants and see so many foreigners from different places. They're just cool to interact with everybody.

In the afternoons we would come home or we would go sightseeing. We went to the temple of heaven in the Forbidden City and so many other cool places like temples and places. Because Beijing is so big and has so many different places to visit and on the weekends we would hang out with the host family and the I always talk to the little girl and the mom.

We got to visit a lot of like daily Beijing life stuff like the supermarket and like the mall which are both really big and totally different from what we have in America. Being immersed here is just such an amazing experience and if I had the chance I would definitely do it again. I definitely take language classes again so I can meet all of these so cool like people there were so many different places.

Overall is just so cool being in Beijing and I had a really great time being here even though it was only for two weeks. I've learned so much I wish I could stay longer but overall the trip was really great.

  • intensive small group Chinese class for high school students
  • local homestay arrangement
  • weekend activities


Displaying 1 - 9 of 15

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Ollie Lennon

Oliver is currently living in Newcastle, he loves traveling, spending time with friends, and now enjoys learning Chinese because he looks forward to the day he speaks in fluently.
Go Abroad China

Why did you choose this program?

I had to go abroad as per university course requirements. I first started my research and involved my career advisor who is also on campus, and helped a lot with finalizing the formalities of going abroad from my school.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Go Abroad China did manage to give me all the important things: getting my study visa didn't present any problems, I got picked up at the airport in Shanghai since it was my first time there anyway. I think the weekend activities can be even more organized.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Not to be scared and enjoy China because once you are there and studying everyday, time tends to go by very quickly. Within no time you will realize you are already preparing to go back to your original school after the summer holidays.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

I had around 20 hours of class time per week, which was definitely a lot since I went to summer school and expected it to be a little less strict. But actually, it was fine in the end and I had a blast learning Chinese with 20 something other classmates from a lot of different countries.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it and/or how did your views on the issue change?

Going to China for the first time was of course something I really thought about and got nervous about, but strangely enough I wasn't shocked as I had predicted. I was worried about life since I didn't speak Chinese, but actually Shanghai is so modern, the Chinese there speak English.

What is your favorite memory from your time abroad?

Being in Shanghai and learning about the city, its hang outs, history, new locations and other little nooks in the city with new friends was a great experience for me.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Serena Chang

Job Title
Internship Placement Manager
Serena is a hardworking young lady that relocated to Beijing a few years ago. When she is not working, she usually spends time with friends, and likes watching movies, music and traveling.

What is your favorite travel memory?

One of the best places I have visited here in China is Yunnan Province. Yunnan is a special place occupied by different minority groups, these people usually speak a different language to the Mandarin Chinese that we are used to, their food is different but they have preserved their cultural heritage very well, so much that their way of life attracts lots of Chinese and foreign tourists. I think it is amazing that we can all be in China but still have groups of people who haven't gone mainstream; they still have their unique traditions that people travel many miles to go see.

Which destination is most underrated? Conversely, which is most overrated?

When I first joined Go Abroad China, our main cities of operations were Beijing and Shanghai. Having branched out to southern China, Chengdu city in Sichuan Province is actually becoming quite popular, this is a great thing because people can still have great experiences even if they are not in Beijing or Shanghai. Chengdu seems to be getting some spotlight now especially from foreigners who are looking for language learning and work opportunities. Many firms are also relocating there because the average cost of living and production is still quite low, meaning better profits compared to if they were located in Shanghai.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Yes, I think the top thing I still continue to learn even today is maintaining good working relationships with our partner companies. In our go abroad and education sector, we have collaborations with many different companies inside China, and schools too. I feel like my people skills are always being put to the test because part of my job duties involves communicating directly with them. And during the busiest months when we have many clients, our communication is even more frequent. So keeping a good connection and relationship with such companies is the most important thing that I have learned and have to keep doing.

What unique qualities does your company possess?

I have seen that a large portion of our clients are usually happy with how we arrange placements for them, it makes me feel proud of our company's service delivery department, their job is very important as our company is judged based on that. With the company doing well, we are able to help even the clients/applicants who have a limited budget to customize our services so that at least we can reach a satisfactory agreement. For a few lucky ones, they might even get a partial scholarship if they prove that they are hard-workers and fit the requirements.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

We had a young student from Australia who joined the language program in Beijing, when her program came to an end, like many others she was saying how much she would miss Beijing and that she would come back. At the time, of course, I thought it was a polite conversation, but a year later I was surprised when she called us back as said this time she wants to do an internship! I thought it was special because due to the expenses of traveling to China, it takes a lot of time to save up and have a new budget to travel again. Our management over here was so impressed that she got herself a sweet discount, she is now considered a friend here at our GAC offices!