
Oxford TEFL

Why choose Oxford TEFL?

Oxford TEFL is among the most highly-regarded teacher training institutions in Europe. We are the most popular online CELTA course provider and a leading Trinity DipTESOL course provider worldwide. Since 1998, we have trained over 5000 teachers, either in our school in Barcelona or online.

At Oxford TEFL, we believe that teaching is essentially a craft, a professional skill acquired mainly with guidance and practice in the classroom. For this reason the qualifications we offer have observed teaching practice as their central focus. Our comprehensive careers service helps ensure that you are able to find a great job in ELT, anywhere in the world. For this reason, and many more, our graduates rate us highly (4.9/5 on Google) and return to us for their further development courses.

Our team has grown over the years since we opened and includes leading ELT professionals, trainers and writers, many of whom originally trained with us! Would you like to join our worldwide community?


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Yes, I recommend this program

Oxford TEFL Starter Course ( online )

This course is excellent. Thanks to the great support from my tutor and the whole programme, I could learn a lot about how to make good lesson plans including time management and how to teach well in student-centred lessons. Through this course, teachers ( I am already teaching at a secondary school ) can also review some important basic knowledge about English such as grammar and pronunciation. I also became more confident as a teacher, besides being an English teacher. This course also teaches us how to stay a good learner of languages. Each assignment of the three modules makes us be well-prepared. We can take enough time to revise drafts especially during the six-week course. For some assignments and live tutorial lessons, there are some options, which is also great. This starter course keeps us highly-motivated to go forward. I am already motivated to keep studying to try to apply for CELTA.

  • Great programmes
  • Great tutor
  • Great system
Yes, I recommend this program

A change for the better

I must be honest. Before starting this CELTA course, I was nervous. I've read so many review blogs where people complained about how demanding a CELTA course is, that one of them even warned about forgetting about family and friends because of how demanding this course is. Now, I'm not going to lie - It is demanding. Nevertheless I didn't have to leave anyone behind. And I'm not only refering to the course, but also to the people you meet (other trainees and teachers alike). In the end it is a great quality course and a worthwhile experience. Remember, it is a very intensive course and they will let you know about it during the interview. Be prepared to give your best and you'll notice the results. The best advice I can give you is to be open to criticism and to grow from it as well as to open up to new friendships. I know I've made valuable friends during this experience and I hope you make some too.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Brilliant for kickstarting your teaching career

Having never taught before, the CELTA at Oxford TEFL really taught me the skills required of a TEFL teacher, while also boosting my confidence and my belief in myself. All the staff at Oxford House were approachable, helpful, full of advice and encouragement, while also coming across as human and fun. The course is intensive - but this is the best way to learn how to teach. You can immediately put into practise the skills you learn that day during your teaching practise classes. As someone who moved to Barcelona only two days before the course started, on my own, this course really helped me bond with others and make friends within the teaching community in this city.

I thoroughly recommend Oxford TEFL to anyone who’s passionate about getting into English language teaching, and who’s willing to work hard and give the course their full attention for four weeks.

What would you improve about this program?
The only area I would say could have been improved was the timetable. Being in the afternoon group, we had back to back input sessions, lesson planning support and then teaching practise and feedback, with not even a 15min break to get something to eat etc. We found this particularly challenging as we tired towards the end of the day. The morning group had 45mins before the input sessions began, which would have been a nice break for us too had this been possible.
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Yes, I recommend this program

only a positive experience all around

I completed the Celta Certification Course at Oxford House, (Narodni 25), in early November 2018. The course is intense and extremely helpful for either a beginning or experienced teacher. It is demanding and rewarding. It provides a solid foundation to either build confidence, or to add confidence, for any who take the course. The reason I am writing this review is because this particular school became very special to me because the teachers and staff who run the school are inordinately rare and they work extremely hard. They have a sincere kindness that provides support on days that were difficult and that lends an added warmth on days that were less so.
The staff who taught me were David Young, Šárka Císařovác, Sean Hayward, and Dan Baines. Even though we had only known each other four weeks, I genuinely missed them when I left because they were so hearted in their work, their crafts and their individual talents. Their criticism and feedback was direct, honest, and essential for understanding. Sometimes it was very hard to hear, but honesty is necessary for progress in learning. And they all have a good sense of humor that is most welcome to balance out the demands of the course. And their strong, detailed feedback and instrumental methods provide reverberating echoes in my mind which serve to help me daily in my teaching as useful and friendly reminders.
Rachel Williams is a teacher in the language school at Oxford house, and she works as a coordinator in the Celta course. She helped us with writing our CV’s and helped me find work right away after the course was completed. She gave advice regarding accommodation and answered many other questions about practicalities in Prague. She also set-up different programs after the school day was finished such as Jan Kalina’s informative and useful services in his company “Movetoprague.”
Sean, Dan, Rachel, Šárka, and David breathe a heartbeat into Oxford House and students feel it during, and long after the course has finished. I was not only taught much, I was nurtured and nourished in and through my learning due to their many supportive and encouraging spirits. I cannot recommend this place highly enough as it stands alone and apart from all other Celta certifying schools because of these unique people.

What would you improve about this program?
More people could sign up for the Celta course and take advantage of the special teachers here
Yes, I recommend this program

Great way to integrate into the Prague teaching market!

Oxford TEFL was a fantastic way to integrate into the teaching community in Prague. The 4-week course not only trains you to be a competent and confident English teacher, but it also introduces you to other teachers in the area. The staff are super supportive and care about your experience and helping you find a job after you finish, utilizing their network not only in the Czech Republic but all around the world, depending on where you want to go. My cohort had 12 people in it, and at the beginning the majority of us were planning to take the course and move elsewhere, but after becoming such good friends and falling in love with the city, nearly all of us decided to stay for a year after. The housing that Oxford provided during the course also allowed us to get our feet on the ground in Prague and take our time to search for something more long-term after.

So not only were the course and staff helpful for preparing us, but we also found a community in each other. Even though most of us have moved on since, the people I met there 6 years ago are still good friends today. That experience will last a lifetime!

What would you improve about this program?
The only recommendation I have is more help planning lessons. Oxford has a library of resources for teachers, and helps a lot with building individual lesson plans, but I struggled sometimes to string together long-term learning outcomes and lessons. Training teachers on how to plan their courses long-term rather than simply class-by-class can make the job much easier.


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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I came to Prague for permanent residency and to continue my career as an English teacher. I wanted to get familiar with the methodology and approaches in teaching English to multi-language groups of students as well as monolingual groups of students (without speaking the students' language).

I chose CertTESOL after some thorough consideration based on reading the information about it on the internet. It sounded sensible and challenging and I knew it could help me brush up my knowledge as well as learn something new.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

The provider of my program helped me at the initial stage with preparing for the course (there was an interview via Skype when I was assessed as a potential candidate; there was also a pre-course test that gave me a general understanding of the language scope to be mastered and there was a lot of material in each category that I could familiarize myself with).

Other things, such as the whole process of studying, materials and audio-visual aids were provided by the school (OxfordTEFL in Prague). The school also provided me with experienced tutors' assistance as well as books and overall guidance through the whole intensive course.

I had to organize my time (for self-study and preparing for classes) on my own. I had to organize papers for my TPLog as well as Language Learner's Profile (if I had doubts, I always could ask any tutor for help). I had to work on some self-reflection myself, and I found it to be a very good helpful part of my lesson analysis.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

If you are ambitious and love communication, you should definitely join the course as it can give you more than just self-development (which is important at any age), the opportunity to travel and work at the same time in any corner of the globe.

I wish I had known more (and earlier) about the format of moderation and self-developed material assignment as that was one of the most important stages in the course and quite responsible too.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

There are four weeks and they are all different because each week focuses on different target materials produced by a trainee. An average day might look like this:

  • 8:30 am - 10 am: Teaching rehearsal (Course Director available 9:15 am - 9:45 am)
  • 10 am - 11:30 am: Teaching Practice (you deliver a lesson of 20, 45, or 60 minutes)
  • 11:45 am - 12:30 pm: Feedback (self-reflection and analysis of the class delivered together with your peer-trainee and experienced tutor)
  • 1:15 pm - 1:45 pm: Lesson Planning (confirm the time with a tutor, you prepare the lesson plan for the next day -- first on your own, then you can discuss it with a tutor)
  • 2 pm - 3 pm: Grammar (part 9 modal verbs, you learn grammar)
  • 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm: Grammar (you review grammar)
  • Notes: Hand in Learner Profile at 1 pm (reference your time-table all the time as the dates and times for every piece of material are mentioned there)

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

I was afraid of explaining the meaning of some words that the students did not know. It was difficult at the beginning as I am used to quickly translating the English word but it does not work with the multi-lingual group.

I learned other ways of explaining the meanings of the words apart from just giving a definition from the dictionary. Learning Unknown Language (a special block in the course) helped a lot. Now I believe that it is even more fun explaining some vocabulary without using the translation or the dictionary.

Did you have to change your pronunciation (say American to British) in order to correspond to English textbooks?

No, of course not. You have your own accent that makes you unique. Yet, it is advisable to get familiar with IPA and just sometimes slow down and articulate! It is also good to look up some words in the dictionary just to see how they can be pronounced in some variants of English and pay attention to their meaning!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Fran Austin

Job Title
Sales & Marketing Director
Fran Austin is the Sales & Marketing Director for Oxford TEFL which is a world leader in online and face-to-face CELTA courses, Trinity DipTESOL courses and online teacher development courses.
Fran Austin

What is your favorite travel memory?

My favorite travel memory might be the time I was traveling through Asia and offered a free English class to a hotel manager's son in Laos in return for a free night's accommodation (I was broke). It worked and set me on my path towards working in ELT. That was in 2001 and I haven't looked back since.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Since 2014 I have been the Sales & Marketing Director for Oxford TEFL. My career path started with a strong desire to continue traveling and make a living at the same time. So, in 2005, I came to Barcelona to become a qualified TEFL teacher. After a few years of teaching English as foreign language in local schools, I started to feel I wanted to try something new. I became interested in management, sales and marketing so I enrolled in a Diploma in Educational Management. Soon after that, I developed my own English immersion courses, which involved taking English students to my home town Winchester, in the UK, to learn English with me. It was a big learning curve as this involved me leaving my comfort zone and retraining to some extent in order to build a website, create social media profiles, source partnerships with schools in Spain and run my own business. During this time, I also completed the Trinity DipTESOL with Oxford TEFL which was the seed for the relationship I have built with the company over the last 12 years. The Trinity DipTESOL proved to be not only a valuable stepping stone in my teaching career but also because the Oxford TEFL team at that time decided that I should become more involved in the sales and marketing of teacher training courses. It was such a great opportunity for me that I decided to focus only on this and retrain again to obtain the Diploma in Professional Marketing. I really believe in being a lifelong learner and I am always looking for new ways to hone my skills and find ways of applying this to my work. I usually take a new course every couple of months to keep updating my skills. One of the main things I have learnt over the years of working with Oxford TEFL is the importance of having a strong and dedicated team. My team give me the confidence and flexibility to start new chapters in the Oxford TEFL journey, such as developing a new Spanish teacher training department. As the Oxford TEFL brand has grown over the years, it has provided me with lots of new challenges that I can only be grateful for because they have offered me the opportunities to apply my skills and be creative within my role.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

One of our CELTA applicants from years ago didn't meet the entry requirements to be accepted onto the CELTA course due to her level of English so she enrolled in our Online TEFL Starter course instead and kept studying English to improve her accuracy. After a year or so she was accepted and completed the online CELTA course with us. A couple of years later she enrolled in our Trinity DipTESOL course which is for experienced teachers who want to advance their career. She is now running her own school in Italy! It just goes to show what determination and focus can do for you.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

If I think back to those days when I was still a traveller and looking for my next adventure abroad, I would have enrolled in our CELTA + Developing Teacher with Spanish course. This would have been my first stepping stone to a new life in Spain, learning the lingo and starting my career as a teacher. This combination of programs also makes it easy to meet other foreigners in Barcelona which is ideal for those who are traveling alone.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Since we opened in Barcelona in 1998, we have been helping teachers gain qualifications which have allowed them to teach English around the world, develop their careers and develop their professional skills. We are the most popular online CELTA course provider and a leading Trinity DipTESOL course provider worldwide. Our graduate recommendation rating is 9.4 and part of this is because we listen closely to our graduates to keep improving what we offer. Over the years we have earned accreditation from Cambridge Assessment English, Eaquals and the Instituto Cervantes which is a huge achievement. This helps guarantee our trainees and students that they will receive the best possible service from us at the highest of standards and that we will be able to help them reach their goals.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I think that we are all moving towards a more environmentally-aware, sustainable way of consuming. People are much more considerate when choosing which brands to build relationships with so I think that brands who demonstrate a clear commitment to reducing their environmental impact or contributing back to society will become more popular, relatable and sustainable in the long-term. For education providers, this will involve some hard work but it will also, hopefully, mean a much more holistic business model which is not solely aimed at profit making, but also that aligns with the values that consumers are asking them for. In the case of Oxford TEFL; we have built a relationship with Camfed which provides education for girls in Africa, and we have also made all our courses 100% free – saving around 5000 photocopies per week. It's also important to seek out a great team for whom you can provide a springboard for their own personal and professional growth. This will help ensure that, as a happy and fulfilled team, we can stay aligned with the values and mission of the company. And finally, as mentioned above, listening closely to what people want and finding a great solution for them.