Yohoo Au Pair China Culture Exchange Program

Yohoo International Culture Exchange Co. Ltd.

Why choose Yohoo International Culture Exchange Co. Ltd.?

Yohoo International is a longstanding organization specializing in international cultural exchange. With a wealth of experience, they have been facilitating the Au Pair to China program, fostering cross-cultural connections and enriching the experiences of participants for many years. Through their dedicated efforts, Yohoo International aims to create meaningful cultural exchanges and lasting connections between individuals from diverse backgrounds.



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An unforgettable au pair experience in Hangzhou

I spent one of the most amazing 6 months in my life here in China. The family was nice to me all the time and their kids are so adorable, we even travelled in China a lot. We went to a temple for some religious traditions and the westlake. We visited a bamboo and panda park, as well as an amusement park in Shanghai! The food here is also amazing and I definitely gonna miss them when I am home. Meanwhile, the agency called Yohoo provided me assistance during the whole program, which made it a pleasant and comfortable experience for me. I will definitely come again or even visit my host family in the future!

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I'm having a good time at my Mandarin class and I'm glad to see some improvements in my studies.My host mother also occasionally tries to teach me things, like for example not embroidery. I'm very grateful for everything new I have learned here. And I had a Taichi experience with other au pairs in hangzhou. It was so much fun!!!
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Extraordinary and heartwarming experience in Yohoo Aupair China

Embarking on an au pair program in Hangzhou, China was an enriching and transformative experience that surpassed my expectations in every way. From immersing myself in the vibrant culture to forming deep connections with the host family, every moment was filled with learning and growth.Living in Hangzhou provided me with the perfect blend of tradition and modernity. The city's rich history was palpable as I explored its iconic landmarks such as the West Lake and Lingyin Temple. Each outing was an opportunity to delve deeper into Chinese customs and traditions, from savoring authentic cuisine to partaking in traditional tea ceremonies.The highlight of my experience undoubtedly revolved around my interaction with the host family. From the moment I arrived, they welcomed me with open arms, treating me not just as an au pair, but as a member of their family. Through daily interactions, I not only improved my Mandarin skills but also gained valuable insights into Chinese family dynamics and values.As an au pair, my responsibilities ranged from assisting with childcare to helping the children with their English studies. These tasks not only provided me with a sense of purpose but also allowed me to bond with the children on a deeper level. Witnessing their growth and development over time was incredibly rewarding and served as a constant reminder of the impact I was making.

Beyond the confines of the host family, the au pair agent Yohoo in Hangzhou provided me with a support system like no other. With other au pair members in Hangzhou, we shared experiences, swapped cultural anecdotes, and formed friendships that transcended borders. Together, we navigated the challenges of living in a foreign country while celebrating the beauty of cultural exchange.In conclusion, my au pair experience in Hangzhou, China was nothing short of life-changing. It broadened my horizons, fostered cross-cultural understanding, and left me with memories that I will cherish for a lifetime. For anyone seeking to embark on a journey of self-discovery while making a meaningful impact, I wholeheartedly recommend the Yohoo au pair program in Hangzhou.

What was your funniest moment?
One of the funniest moments during my au pair program in Hangzhou happened during a traditional Chinese cooking lesson with the host family. As we attempted to recreate a famous local dish, chaos ensued in the kitchen. Flour flew everywhere, vegetables rolled off the counter, and even the dog managed to sneak a taste of our culinary creation. Amidst the laughter and mess, we realized that our cooking skills might need some improvement, but our bond as a family was stronger than ever. It was a hilarious reminder that sometimes the best memories are made when things don't go as planned.
  • Living with a host family allows for deep immersion into Chinese culture, language, and traditions.
  • Building relationships with the host family and the local community enriches the experience and creates lifelong friendships.
  • Constant exposure to Mandarin in everyday interactions helps improve language skills significantly.
  • Being away from home and familiar surroundings can lead to feelings of loneliness or longing for loved ones.
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The best time of my life

I was in China for two months. This was the best time of my life. I had an amazing host family and amazing host kits. I enjoyed the time a lot!!! The kids improved their English and I learned more about the Chinese culture. I did a lot with my host family: We went to Chinese massage, Chinese sauna, We went to Shanghai, We wore Traditional Chinese clothes in Hangzhou, Went to Bali, Celebrated lunar New Year and many other things!! Issy did an awesome job she was always there for me and supported me. She found my perfect match. I recommend the agency to everyone you will not regret it. To all future Au Pairs: You will have a great time, and you will love it❤️❤️❤️

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
The length of my trip🤣 Next time it has to be longer cause it was sooo beautiful!!
  • Everything!!
  • None
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A Journey of Unexpected Growth: My Au Pair Experience in China

Honestly, before embarking on this journey, I never imagined myself in China, but what I've encountered here has surpassed all expectations and left an indelible mark on my life.

Living with my host family in Hangzhou has been nothing short of remarkable. The warmth and hospitality they've extended have made me feel not just like a guest but a cherished member of their family. I've had the privilege of witnessing and participating in their daily lives, sharing traditions, and creating lasting bonds that I will carry with me forever.

Hangzhou itself, with its picturesque West Lake and vibrant cultural scene, has been a playground for my curiosity. From exploring historical landmarks to indulging in local cuisine, every day has brought a new adventure. The city's rich history and the juxtaposition of modern and traditional elements have made each moment a captivating experience.

What struck me the most is the genuine interest the Yohoo team takes in ensuring a well-rounded cultural exchange. Monthly cultural experiences have been a highlight, providing unique insights into Chinese customs and traditions. These events, coupled with Yohoo's meticulous attention to detail, have not only broadened my understanding but have also fostered personal growth.

I never imagined I'd find myself participating in local festivals, sharing laughter with newfound friends, and discovering hidden gems around the city. These experiences, though initially unexpected, have become the foundation of my personal and cultural growth. I've learned to navigate the challenges of a new environment, embrace cultural differences, and, most importantly, appreciate the beauty of diversity.

In conclusion, my au pair experience in China, particularly in Hangzhou, has been a journey of self-discovery and unexpected joy. I am immensely grateful for the Yohoo team's dedication to creating an enriching cultural exchange. This life-changing adventure has not only broadened my horizons but has also given me lifelong memories and friendships.

Thank you, Au Pair China Program, for turning what I never thought I'd do into an experience that I will forever treasure.

What was your funniest moment?
The funniest and most unforgettable moment took place during a local festival that my host family enthusiastically invited me to join. The lively atmosphere, vibrant colors, and the rhythmic beats of traditional music immediately set the stage for an extraordinary day.

What made this moment so special was the unexpected twist of events. Little did I know that my host family had planned a surprise performance for me. I found myself in the midst of a lively dance, surrounded by laughing family members and neighbors, all eager to include me in the celebration. Despite the initial awkwardness, their infectious energy and encouragement turned it into an uproarious spectacle of joy.
  • Cultural Immersion: Living with a host family in Hangzhou provides an authentic cultural experience, allowing me to immerse myself in daily life, traditions, and customs.
  • Language Development: The constant exposure to Mandarin in real-life situations has significantly improved my language skills, fostering a deeper understanding of the language and enhancing my ability to communicate effectively.
  • Personal Growth: The challenges and new experiences have contributed to significant personal growth, fostering resilience, adaptability, and a broader worldview.
  • Initial Adjustment: Adapting to a new cultural environment initially presented challenges, as I navigated cultural nuances, language barriers, and a different daily routine.
  • Homesickness: Being away from familiar surroundings and loved ones can sometimes lead to feelings of homesickness, especially during significant cultural or family events.
  • Communication Challenges: While the language immersion is beneficial, there are moments of frustration when communication becomes challenging due to language differences, leading to occasional misunderstandings.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Visit China as an au pair with Yohoo is a fantastic ecperience

I want to express my gratitude for the incredible experience I had as an au pair with your agency. From the meticulous matching process to living with my host family in Hangzhou, every aspect exceeded my expectations.

The monthly cultural experiences organized by Yohoo enriched my understanding of Chinese culture. Exploring landmarks and participating in local traditions created lasting memories and genuine connections.

The unwavering support from the Yohoo staff was invaluable. Their responsiveness and commitment ensured I felt secure and confident throughout my stay.

Yohoo not only facilitated cultural exchange but also created a community among au pairs. The friendships formed during activities made my time in China truly special.

I wholeheartedly recommend Yohoo to anyone considering an au pair experience in China. Thank you for making my journey educational, culturally rich, and filled with lifelong friendships.


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