what should i expect in the first month or so after moving to China?

Posted by Joanna Patulot 6 years 2 months ago


Hello Joanna,

Thank you for your question and interest in Wanderlust Au Pair China Program.

I would like to answer your questions in three aspects: how au pairs can get ready for their trip to China; what support they will have from Wanderlust; what's to be expected of your daily life with the host family.

In regards to how au pairs can get themselves prepared for the trip to China, here are some tips that we would like to share with you:
1. Talk with current or previous au pairs in order to get to know what it is like to be part of a Chinese family as well as daily routines, culture differences and etc.
2. Keep in touch with your host family before arriving in China, to build a connection with them, and start to get to know the family more.
3. Get to know about culture differences/shock you will experience through searching on the Internet, reading related books; you may also pick up a little of Mandarin before you come to China to feel more confident in the new language setting.
4. Get prepared financially: the first month of pocket money will be paid after 1 month stay, so you will have to prepare some pocket money upon your arrival.

About the support that Wanderlust offers upon your arrival in China:
1. We will pick you up at the airport, offer you welcome pack, help you register a local SIM card; for those au pairs whose host family is not in Shanghai, we help you book your accommodation, and your flight/train to your host family's city.
2. You will have two days orientation with Wanderlust, which covers Culture Differences, Attentive Details When Staying with a Family, and ESL Activities with Children; apart from the orientation session, you will also have a sightseeing city tour in Shanghai.
2. We will follow up closely with you for the first 4 weeks of your stay with the family. If there is anything that you don't understand or feel uncomfortable with, our program coordinator will always be there to support.
3. You will also attend culture activity with other au pairs, which might include Chinese tea ceremony, martial arts, Chinese calligraphy, Peking opera and etc.
4. You will also start taking your Mandarin classes, which could be online or offline depending on where your host family is located.

About your daily life with your host family:
1. The host family would expect the au pair to help the host children with their English, through assisting their English homework , reading books, playing games and being interactive.
2. Most families do not expect the au pair to share housework, but it's important to keep your own room clean and tidy.
3. Host families would like to involve you in participating in family activities or short trips to surrounding areas so that you will have opportunities to explore more about China.
4. You will be spending 30 hours with the host children on a weekly basis, so usually you will have spare time to explore the city during the day .

Other suggestions to add: We are aware that moving to China and living with a host family can be a challenge for overseas students, which is also why we are keen to offer the best support possible to guarantee a great experience for au pairs and host families. Additionally, it's very important to have an open mind as well as a positive mind, as things are simply so different in every single way. For those who are looking for an adventure that is exotic, inspiring, mind-blowing and rewarding, China is the place to go:)

Warm regards,