Best Experience of My Life

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I had such an amazing experience in this city, this school, and this program. I had never been out of the country until I traveled abroad, and IFSA made it so easy to figure out where I was supposed to be. They set us up in our apartments, had a multiple day orientation, and gave us a ton of good advice. The people in the program always ensured my safety and my health, and helped me get on the right track from the start. I became really close with our program adviser, and she was always there for us when we need anything. The school aspect of this program was the most challenging; NUIG enrolls their international students with regular students, and this was great, but difficult. Irish style of education is different than American in terms of testing instead of work, but this challenge is one of the reasons I'm so proud I went there. I was able to navigate a new education system, and receive a transcript from another institution that was complete and real! I really believe I earned the transcript I got, in comparison to people who just take joke classes that don't matter. That is why IFSA was amazing, it is an academic focused study abroad program that cares about you and your grades while abroad. I loved everything about Galway and the NUIG and I wish I could go back right now! Overall, the best experience of my life!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed