The best experience I have ever had!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

The 2 months I spent teaching in Luang Prabang have genuinely been life-changing for me. I was nervous at the beginning - I didn't know what to expect, especially since this was my first time travelling abroad alone not forgetting about the distance. Upon pre-departure, the team was excellent they provided lots of support with documents and any queries I had regarding VISA's, money and communication throughout my journey. I was picked up by George, one of the local staff members, who was extremely welcoming. The introduction to the programme and the town was well put together and detailed. The staff were so easy to talk to. If I had any problems they were resolved promptly. I was eased into the teaching and took things at my own pace. I was allowed to do as much as I felt comfortable doing. The first week you have training sessions in the morning that prepare you for teaching the classes. It's very easy to follow even if you don't have prior teaching experience it helps immensely for the duration of the programme. The students had such a hunger to learn and were kind and welcoming too. There are certain rules to uphold but it wasn't difficult to do, I eventually got used to it especially when it came to teaching the novice monks. The local people were kind and generous, I felt like I became part of a community, I made so many friends with not just other volunteers but the locals, and students too. There were lots of places to go and visit, like the Elephant Sanctuary and Kuang Si waterfall- there was always something to do. You have weekends off to go exploring, or to relax if you wish to. I loved this experience and all the people I met and would 100% recommend it.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed