An unforgettable experience

Growth: 4
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I will hold onto the memories I made from this program so dearly. I made so many new friends and the staff was very supportive. I got to explore different areas within the South of France and went on so many adventures! My French language skills definitely improved and exploring the city of Nice was avery growing experience. There was lots of flexibility in terms of being able to have free time and experiencing Nice with the friends you made. In terms of cons, there was no air conditioning in the residence and the Wi-Fi was a bit slow however, all of the amazing memories made up for any small inconveniences. In addition, when interacting with local French people and when we were in class, we spoke mainly French however, outside of this the staff and students spoke English to each other therefore making it not 100% immersive. either way, I still improved tremendously and would highly recommend this experience to any highschoolers who would like to travel and improve their French speaking and comprehension!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
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