A real confidence boost

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

I needed an internship experience in order to graduate from university, so I used this as a chance to go abroad. Through some research and some talks with various student advisors, I became aware of Meiji Internships.

The culture of South Korea has always been of interest to me, so the thought of doing an internship there sounded really attractive. I was already relatively familiar with the culture, so the transition into the Seoul lifestyle was not really problematic for me.

Whenever I had a question Meiji were quick to respond and were always helpful. They made sure the company was right for me, and they ensured I had the best possible experience. I’m really glad I interned abroad, it’s given me so much confidence in both myself and my future career!

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would