Omeida Chinese Course

Instruction: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 3
Value: 4

I live in work in Guilin and I often go to Yangshuo. So, Yangshuo is an ideal place for me to study Chinese. I spent three weeks in Yangshuo during the winter holiday and welcomed the year of the rabbit while studying at Omeida. Overall, I had a great experience! I found the staff to be very welcoming and hospitable. They were very attentive to my needs, not only as a student, but as a guest. In general, everyone was very friendly and personable which fosters a very comfortable environment. More importantly, is the language learning environment at Omeida where you have the opportunity to immediately put to practice what you have learned. As an English teacher in China who has studied on and off for many years, I think I learned the most Chinese within this three-week time period that I have ever learned anywhere else. The two teachers who instructed me were engaging, extremely helpful and highly experienced. I've been teaching for over 10 years, and I was impressed with some of the approaches and methods they used in my classes. Apart from the actual Chinese classes, there were a variety of cultural activities offered as well as just exploring Yangshuo with staff members and students. I went out to dinner on a few occasions with Nissa, who I originally met in Yangshuo and introduced me to Omeida. Also, the school treated us to a very nice dinner at a local restaurant on the eve of the Chinese New Year as well as New Year's Day. This was a very kind gesture! I could go on at length about the positive experiences I had while studying at Omeida, but suffice it say that I had a great experience, and I was a little sad to leave. However, I plan to continue with online classes and return to Yangshuo to study in person as soon as I can.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed