Zanzibar experience 23

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 4
Safety: 5

My experience was amazing because not only I had all the Supprt I needed before but also during and after the program! The people in my program were amazing, the accommodation was incredible and the food outstanding. Thank you for making my time in Zanzibar and volunteering experience incredible, I really could feel that something to help was being done.
We visited placed that showed us that the recycling was being done, we cleaned the beach and the village several times, we monitored the reefs by snorkeling. What I recommend is to have a diving license or bring the money to do it in Zanzibar because that was you can also participate in the coral restoration. The coordinators at the camp were amazing and prepared everything so well, we always had something to do and also time to rest.
I loved every day :)

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed