Pacific Discovery Polynesian Journey

Housing: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 5

Partaking in the Polynesian journey through Pacific Discovery truly changed the trajectory of my college experience and life. After spending two years struggling to find my place in college, my time with my small group in Hawaii, Fiji, and New Zealand gave me a whole new outlook. I made friends from all around the country and even the world that i couldn’t have been more different from. However we all bonded and now I don't know how I ever functioned without their love and support. Some of my most fun experiences that I have to reflect back on happened during this trip from snorkeling in Hawaii to rafting down a 20ft fall in New Zealand. Experiences like staying in a traditional Fijian village altered what I value in life. I am returning to school with lifelong friends, people I can always fall back on for advice and help, and a newfound appreciation for the opportunities I have, especially in m education. You have to want the best out of a program like this, but if you come with an open mind and an appreciation for the differences of other, it will change your life.

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