Xplore Asia Japan: Genuine Review

Benefits: 4
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

This experience has been one of the greatest decisions of my life. I grew up in a poor area, a dangerous town riddled with problems. My family never had a lot of money, but I would eventually learn to live without it. Most people in my hometown never even make it to college, and there is a lack of ambition from most people. If there is any ambition, it derives from people just wanting money and not caring how they waste they lives. For me, this was unacceptable. I yearned for more than what money could buy: satisfaction. I never had money, so now I have reached a point where I don't need it to be happy. Although, I needed it to pay bills. I was stuck in a position I hated in America; therefore, I started to hate myself. Worst of all, I was making very good money. Was this the mediocrity I would be forced into, following in the footsteps of all those around me? NO! The XploreAsia program changed this. I will be honest; this program is very very expensive. It took everything from a savings account and a credit card to make it through my first few months in the program and in Japan. It was worth every penny. I was scared that I would spend this money and regret it, but as I learned in Japan, sometimes you have to say screw it and jump on the train(plane). I don't make a lot of money by any means at my new job, but it pays my bills. I found a new passion; something to look forward to waking up to everyday. Most people will look at you and say, "shouldn't you work somewhere to make more money?" Or "You could get a job back home and make twice as much!" DON'T LISTEN TO THEM. I gained happiness, satisfaction, and inspiration from the move to Japan. I will not be moving any time soon. You can't put a price on happiness, but if all it costs is the money I spent this summer, I'd tell everyone in the world to do it. XploreAsia was helpful, and one could say it saved my life. I think differently than most, but that's what makes me so happy. In short, you will not make a lot of money, and the transition will be very hard; but if you feel stuck, unmotivated, or desperate for change in your life take this step.

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Yes, I would
Year Completed