Perfect to learn about the Amazon ecosystem

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

22 year old French student, I was looking for a field experience as part of my studies in tropical forest ecology, and I first chose to apply for the IPBio Amazonie program due to its reasonable cost and the diversity of activities proposed.

I stayed for almost 2 months and I can say that all my expectations were fully satisfied! The diversity of the inventories carried out will enable people with or without a scientific background to appreciate the beauty of the flora and fauna, and to learn about them.

I'm still enchanted by the beauty of the region, which is certainly one of the most beautiful places on earth and offers plenty to discover during the weekends, as well as by the local culture, which will give you a warm welcome.

It was also an opportunity to meet other volunteers from other countries and with different backgrounds: amazing encounters!

In definitive, it was the ideal volunteer program for learning more about the Amazon ecosystem, doing useful and rewarding work with passionate people.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed