My time at FIE in London

Growth: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

The Foundation for International Education (FIE) set me up for educational, professional, and social success before and after arrival in the UK. A week prior to the start of classes, I was welcomed by the kindest staff who had several activities, mixers, and informational sessions scheduled for incoming students. During this time, I acclimated to city living, made new friends, and prepared for coursework to come. Since then, I have enjoyed the wonderful curriculum and plethora of field trips offered by FIE and its office of industry experts who I am lucky enough to call my professors.

Being a FIE in London participant has pushed me to reach higher limits both personally and
professionally. The program provides an excellent balance of education by way of coursework and real-world experience. My classes offer valuable lessons in the form of lectures, study visits, and group discussions, while my internship enables me to put what I’ve learned into action and expand upon it. Living and interning in a new environment has improved my soft skills of adaptability and communication, as well as technical skills related to my area of study. Full entrenchment in English society has made me a better problem-solver as I regularly uncover new ways of accomplishing everyday tasks.

While studying abroad in London, I am grateful to have traveled to other parts of Europe as well. Weekend trips with my peers, many of whom I met through FIE, have further opened my eyes to varieties in culture, lifestyle, and work habits. Such exposures have altered my perspective of what being a professional can and should encompass. I am both eager and ready to take my reformed mindset back with me to the University of Florida in the fall but will always cherish my wonderful memories away from home.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed