Amazing experience!

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

Where do I even start?! I came to Ghana for the volunteer work with the sea turtles. Unfortunately I was at the end of the hatching period and the eggs that were in the hatchery did not survive the crabs. So this means I did not get to see any turtles, of course that is nature so Atlas could do nothing about it and it just tells me that this project is very pure. But not for a minute did I feel bad about the turtle project because there was already a lot of other things to do for us. We did a lot of very different and fun projects such as recycling in many different ways, we got to clean the beaches (what was very much needed), we spend a lot of time with the kids who live in the village and got to help out at the local school, we also did local farming. Our ‘guide’ from Atlas was Rii and he was very kind and had lots of things for us in mind to do in our free time. He also let us meet a lot of people, other volunteers but also locals. At all times we had one or two, we called them our bodyguards around us so I always felt very safe and these guys really felt like our friends. What we did in our free time let us see a lot of Ghana, we went to a festival (which was real fun!), we went to Cape Coast to learn about the history of the country, we had a cooking lesson from a lady from our village, we learned a bit of Twi (the local language) and we got to do surf lessons. For me it was a really special experience and I will recommend it to everyone! You get to really see Africa and how the life is here and you get to be a part of that and meet lots of very nice people!

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