It would be easier with a translator or being English teacher

Impact: 3
Support: 2
Fun: 4
Value: 4
Safety: 5

I had the opportunity to spend 4 weeks with the association, working in two different settings. First, I worked in a school located in a clearly disadvantaged neighborhood, where I provided academic support to teenagers. Then, I joined a beauty school where women were training for careers in esthetics.

My biggest surprise was discovering that the community members didn't speak, or spoke very little, English. This posed a challenge to my initial goal of empowering women through English language learning. Unfortunately, I was only able to truly pursue this mission in the last five days, once a translator became available.

Personally, this experience was enriching. However, I remain unsure about the actual impact of my involvement. At times, I felt left to my own devices, without a structured program or insight into previous activities. Although I'm not an English teacher but rather a business and marketing trainer, I was still able to share my expertise with some women, though it was less relevant for the teenagers.

On the other hand, I want to highlight the quality of the association's hospitality, as well as the weekend excursion offerings and the comfort of the guest house. These aspects undoubtedly contributed to making my stay enjoyable.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed