Prague - Good Academics, Good History, Good Fun

Academics: 3
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 4
Safety: 5

I went to Prague as part of a study abroad program with CEA CAPA. The professors and CEA CAPA staff were all incredibly supportive. The city is extremely safe, even at night. I got to live with 5 other college students who were a part of the program, and many of the other students in the program lived in the same building as well. Prague is a city with rich history and a vibrant night life. Getting to class is easy with the tram system. As part of the program, there were excursions built in at no additional cost. I was able to go to the Czesky Krumlov as part of the program, which has the second largest castle in the world (1st is in Prague). I would recommend this city and program to all because of its accessibility, safety, fun, and affordability.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed