Benefits: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 4
Facilities: 5
Safety: 5

Well. To say I was not hugely excited about doing a TEFL course was probably fair. I was doing it as a means to move to Madrid and finally, eventually, hopefully learn Spanish and probably, I'd imagined, marry Cristiano Ronaldo someday! But oh how that changed once I had my first day at TT Madrid. Laura, Monica, Valentina, Steve, Tash et al made the experience so much fun! Their approach was to help us learn by recognising that we were probably going to do that best if we were having a laugh as well and I had a lot of laughs, giggling like a teenage boy (I'm a 32 yr old woman) at the back of the class.
There was a huge emphasis on support; supporting each other as students, staff supporting the students, generally everyone supporting each other. Not just with the course, which was important, but with the transition of moving to a brand new country, which I hadn't anticipated would involve as much as it did. But this was made a lot easier by the TT Madrid team who supported us all, every step of the way.
Being a slightly more (ahem) mature student I was seeing the move to Spain as a long term gig and so it was really important for me to get a good job early on. Alas, by week two of the course I already had a permanent job, 25hours a week, with some really great people and all thanks to TT Madrid setting me up with a past pupil of theirs. THANKYOU.

Since finishing the course I am certain of several things:
-I could return to TT Madrid at any point and be warmly received and ask for help.
-Teaching is brilliant! You meet so many great people and Spanish people are FUN!
-I definitely chose the right course and it was a bargain for the ongoing support you get.
-It is seeming less likely that I will marry Cristiano Ronaldo.

My only regret is I wish I would have done it sooner.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed