  • Fiji
1 - 4 weeks

Program Details

Program Type
Student Tour
Host Family Hotel Lodge
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance
Oct 11, 2023
Nov 28, 2023
9 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Find paradise and make a difference through community service on Global Works' volunteer in Fiji programs for high school students. This program brings you into a Fijian community, where you will live with local families and experience Fijian culture, food, and tradition first hand. You also spend time on the beach learning about marine biology and snorkeling. It's the perfect balances of service, culture, and fun!

Video and Photos

Cultural Exchange: On this program, we SCUBA Dive Fiji's coral reefs, trek volcanic mountain trails, snorkel along village shores, sea kayak Fiji's coastal waters, and experience Fijian community life. Community Service is at the heart of every Global Works trip and, on this one, students earn service hours through restoring a community school, teaching English and Geography to Fijian children, and assisting with marine conservation and reef protection projects.

Program Highlights

  • Homestay with Fijian family
  • Snorkel crystal blue waters
  • Meaningful community service projects

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 7 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.75
  • Support 4.85
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.45
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 7 of 7 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Oceanic Tapestry of Community and Wonder

Choosing Fiji Global Works Summer Service Adventure for my next adventure, following a memorable trip to Peru the year before, turned out to be an inspired decision. Seeking fun experiences and connections with new people, this journey unfolded into a brick tapestry of adventure and personal growth.

The group dynamics were a constant source of joy, transforming each day into a rewarding and enriching experience. The Global Works Leaders ensured our safety while encouraging us to embrace the unfamiliarity of this new setting.

Fiji’s diverse landscapes, from lush hikes to the clear oceans, provided the perfect canvas for unforgettable moments. Expressing gratitude for the paradise we found ourselves in báncame a constant theme, highlighting the beauty of the Fijian environment and the warmth of its people.

Interacting with the Fijians was a highlight of the trip, with their unparalleled generosity and love leaving a lasting impression. The infectious joy of the island's children added authenticity to the experience, creating connections that transcended the typical tourist-host relationship.

Snorkeling in the ocean became a personal highlight, offering a glimpse into the underwater world. The vibrant marine life and the sheer beauty of the ocean added a sense of wonder to the journey. The exploration of Barefoot Manta and the immersive experience at Namara Village were particularly enjoyable, providing unique insights into the local way of life.

The trip's highlights were as diverse as the landscapes, including zip-lining, exploring local markets, sharing meals with Fijian elders, and contributing to the local school. Each activity contributed to a rich tapestry of memories and lasting bonds.

In closing, my love for this trip. I genuinely hope others have the opportunity to weave their own tapestry of adventure and community with Fiji Global Works. For prospective travelers, embrace the discomfort at times, fearlessly try new things, and hold onto every moment. ZFiji Global Works has curated an experience that transcends expectations and leaves a lasting imprint on the heart.

What was your funniest moment?
When all of us girls in the group dressed the two boys (Oliver and Casey) up in dresses and did their makeup and both of them went to dinner at the lodge we were staying at when they were all glamorous.
  • Meeting new friends in your program
  • Hikes, snorkeling, scuba diving, cooking, good food, cava
  • The Fijians are welcoming
  • Cold showers
  • Coral cuts
29 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Fiji was awesome

I loved this trip so much!! I had never left the east coast before this trip so I was very nervous to be leaving the country for 2 weeks with people I didn’t know. The staff was very friendly and made me feel welcome immediately. I had a great group of people and by the second day they felt like family. Living in the village was definitely the highlight of the trip, I loved helping the community and playing with the kids. It was a great experience and I definitely recommend to everyone. Greatest trip ever!!

24 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best trip ever!

This was my second global works trip and it did not disappoint. I previously did the France Immersion trip and I did not think it could get any better, but it did! The scenery and environment will be images that will stick with me for the rest of my life as the beauty of every place we stayed and discovered is indescribable. The communities we stayed with were some of the most welcoming people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and I know my fellow global works travelers are people I will stay in touch with for the rest of my life. The bonds created, the experiences we had, and the amazing lessons and outlooks learned are things I would never trade for the world and highly recommend for anyone considering this program. While it may be scary at the beginning, every other student is probably feeling the same thing and you end up supporting each other and leaving the trip becomes the most dreadful thing you can imagine. This trip was just an absolutely incredible experience for me and I highly recommend to anyone willing to put themselves out there!

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Trip of a lifetime- 10/10 experience

I signed up for this trip looking for a fun experience and the opportunity to meet new, interesting people. In my reflection of this trip, I could not be more thankful for the opportunities and new outlook that this trip provided me with. There was never a boring moment with the incredible group I traveled with, and everyday felt rewarding. The counselors were wonderful and ensured we were always safe, but also comfortable in our surroundings. It is a new and unfamiliar setting at times, but it's a great way to step outside of the comfort zone while. The hikes, the views, the crystal-clear oceans- it was all perfect. It seemed that every 5 minutes my group was expressing our love and gratitude for this wonderful paradise we were in. The Fijians we met and stayed with are the most generous and loving people I have ever met. The children on the island were a pure expression of joy and their happiness was so contagious. I received my scuba certification on this trip as well, which was initially intimidating, but overall fun process. The instructors were understanding and comforting, they rid me of any worries before going down on a dive and made me feel safe at all times. The marine life was beautiful and unlike anything I've ever seen before. The memories and bonds I formed on this trip will be held close to my heart forever. Some of the highlights of the trip included zip-lining, going to the fresh fruit/vegetable markets, hikes with spectacular views, preparing a meal with the Fijian elders, and teaching lessons at the local school. I can not express my love for this trip enough, and hope that you get to experience this paradise as well.
Some pieces of advice I have for anyone choosing this trip:
-Be comfortable with being uncomfortable at times.
-Don't be scared to try new things
- Live in the moment as it'll pass before you know it

  • new, exciting experiences
  • beautiful wildlife and connection to nature
  • interacting with Fijians, who have genuinely beautiful hearts
  • occasionally rustic housing
  • cold showers
27 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Fiji: Epic Service Adventure

This trip was my favorite trip with global works so far!! The people and councilors created a extremely comfortable and fun environment that was the perfect mix of service acts and other fun activities. The food was amazing at all the places we stayed and our host families made us feel like we were really members of the family! The trip helped me gain a more global perspective and new experiences I could never get in my community. Overall I would highly recommend students to try this adventure!!

  • I made lots of new lifelong friends.
  • I experienced new pieces of culture I’d never been apart of before.
  • I gained a much more global perspective.
52 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Global Works Travel Fiji Experience

Bula! My name is Avery Martin and I had the opportunity to go to Fiji this summer with Global Works Travel. The experience was incredible and each day I wish I could go back. One of my favorite parts of the trip was the cultural immersion. We were able to stay with the people of the Namara village. The Fijians in this village became like family and welcomed me into their homes with open arms. I would highly recommend this trip to anyone who wants to be pushed outside their comfort zone, experience once in lifetime opportunities, and be immersed fully in a culture outside their own. I want to thank everyone at Global Works Travel for making my experience so memorable.

  • Full Cultural Immersion
  • Once in a lifetime opportunities such as zip lining through the jungle, scuba diving with the manta rays, and cooking with the people of the Namara village.
  • Creating lifetime bonds
  • Limited time to talk to family.
52 people found this review helpful.
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This trip changed my life for the better!

My trip to the Fijian islands changed my perspective on life. Ever since this trip, I have found that the gift is truly in giving. Being in Fiji showed me that taking a brief step out of my comfort zone can be very beneficial, and having an optimistic mindset is always necessary.

Before traveling to Fiji I was very unsure of myself, I didn't know what to expect, so I had told my parents that I did not want to go. Upon arrival, I forced myself out of my comfort zone and began to make friends with some of the nicest people I have ever met. The counselors were amazing as well! Whether you were feeling homesick, or just wanted to talk, they were always there for us. I found myself feeling as if I was apart of a little family, and despite being away from my real family, I was never homesick. My best advice to the people attending this trip is to just be your full self, and you will always have fun.

Meeting the villagers was easily my favorite part of the trip. They made us feel at home and if we ever needed anything they were there for us. Staying in the village with the younger kids, was never a dull moment. Whether we were playing sports, dancing, singing, or just being free we all had an amazing time. Gaining a bond with the people of the Nativi Village is something I will never forget.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
While scuba diving, I saw a fleet of jellyfish swim above my head. None of them stung but it was awe-inspiring to see these florescent animals in their natural habitat.
78 people found this review helpful.

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