Summer Leadership in Costa Rica

Impact: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Value: 5
Safety: 5

I began my trip to Costa Rica with the mindset of saying yes to everything. I did not want to miss out on any opportunity I could have while I was there. I went on every hike, even hikes where only 4 of us went on in the rain, did every activity, and was always helping out. I think the best way to go into a trip would be by following that mindset. By saying yes to everything I got so much out of the trip and would not change it for the world. Also, I went in wanting to make new friendships that would last a lifetime. I made so many friends from all over the United Sates and even from other countries. I still keep in contact with these people all the time as well. It might seem scary to go away from your parents and go on a trip, but it was such a great experience and everyone there was great. The counselors are so fun and help you out with everything and anything and are always looking out for you. I would 100% recommend this trip to anyone looking for adventure and looking to make an impact on someone and something bigger than themselves.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed