  • China

Program Details

Year Round
Guesthouse Hotel
Apr 13, 2016
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About Program

Throw out your textbooks and get an immersive introduction to Fujian by exploring both rural tulou mud homes and modern Xiamen, all served up with a grand helping of service programs and fun-filled activities with the local people. This program focuses on the outdoors with a trek to an isolated tea plantation, rock climbing, and even ocean kayaking! We'll top the trip off by visiting one of Xiamen's coastal suburbs to explore a well-preserved mangrove to learn about its ecological importance to both the Earth and local people.

Fujian offers an opportunity for students to experience China’s southern cultures—Hakka and Miao—and step back in time to the era of Western colonialism. An often overlooked gem, Fujian exhibits natural beauty and a complex history that meshes into an exciting, thought-provoking adventure!

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