Alumni Spotlight: Catherine (Cat) Achbach

Catherine is a recent graduate with a Global Health and Black Studies Degree from Allegheny College. She traveled with Operation Groundswell to Ghana the summer of 2017 and had a trip of a lifetime.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose to go on this trip for a few reasons. The first is that I have studied Ghana for years through my Black studies degree and was obsessed with the country and culture. Getting the chance to actually go has been a dream of mine so when I saw this trip through Operation Groundswell I knew I couldn't pass it up. The second reason is that the theme of the trip was exactly what I have been studying in school. I majored in Global Health and that was what this trip dealt with. I got to explore the various aspects of health in Ghana and got to do it in a way that wasn't touristy. I got to experience things I never would have if I traveled there on my own.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

As far as my university I was pretty much on my own. OG wasn't one of their partners so they could have cared less about helping. On the other hand OG was amazing. They were there throughout the entire process from figuring out my Visa, shots all the way to flight information. We had pre departure meetings that talked us through so much and gave us the chance to meet each other. I felt confident starting my journey knowing the program was well run.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

I honestly just wish I knew the people I was traveling with more. We briefly met through video chat but that was about it. I also wish I knew about laundry before. I brought 'camp soap' which worked for me on previous travels but once there I realized I needed detergent from there. Once I had a local show me that laundry went so easily! Oh also I guess earplugs. There were a few rimes roosters were very loud at like 2am and kept everyone up.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

You typically get up kind of early, get breakfast somewhere and then head out on whatever activities you have planned. this changes day to day. One day we hiked a mountain and went swimming in water falls. Another we explored a slave castle and then played soccer with local children on the beach. Each day is a new adventure and honestly its best to just go with it open minded and not expect anything, let whatever happens happen and I promise you it'll be worth it.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My biggest fear was that I hyped it up before going. This trip had been a dream of mine for year and I was worried that it wouldn't be as great when I finally got there. I was so wrong. The trip was better than anything I could ever have imagined. Once I realized that this was a new experience and you can't plan or expect anything I was no longer stressed. Ghana turned out to be everything I could have hoped for and more.

What was your unforgettable experience in the program?

Monkeys . No joke we had two encounters with monkeys on our trip. The first was with me. When in a small village I got bit by a pet monkey and ended up having to get the rabies shots. It was super scary at first but honestly I find it really funny now. I also have some awesome pictures. The second encounter was a girl in our group got robbed by a baboon. We decided to go on a Safari at a national park when we had our travel time. She was eating bread and walking to the safari jeeps when a baboon ran up and snatched her bread and bag. Another girl yelled at him and he got so scared he dropped her bag and left. It was a good thing because her passport was in it! While it was scary and crazy we still joke about it to this day, almost a year after the trip.