Alumni Spotlight: Jill Watt Torrance

Jill Watt Torrance is a 60 year old lady living in Hawaii, where she has been for 23 years. She was born in Glasgow, Scotland and grew up in the Highlands before attending college in Edinburgh. For many years she was a soft sculpture and interior designer in her native country and also the USA. She has three grown children in various parts of the world and has been married for 33 years. Her passions are cooking, traveling and enjoying the splendors of Hawaii...especially with her dogs!

Why did you decide to volunteer with Volunteering Solutions in Ghana?

Jill: Early in 2010 I decided to travel to UK where I had one daughter studying and another living. I planned a trip for the summer of 2010 and as I have been a volunteer for many years at home and abroad I wanted to amalgamate my vacation with service. My younger daughter jumped at the idea of coming with me and we researched a few companies and destinations. I previously had a very successful time volunteering in S. Africa, in 2008, but our choice came down to Ghana or Tanzania. VS was immediately attractive to me because the organization allowed for a home stay rather than living with other volunteers in a house apart from the locals. Especially for my student daughter the cost with VS was the most reasonable. Travel was easier to Ghana than Tanzania and we confidently chose VS in Ghana.

Describe your day to day activities as a volunteer in Ghana.

Jill: My daughter and I stayed together with a Ghana lady and her young son. Daily we would be picked up and transported to a school for girls where I would teach teenagers sewing and crafting techniques and my daughter taught elementary subjects. I felt that my 4 short weeks were useful as I inspired and educated the young girls how to make a future for themselves using sewing as their craft. I instigated many items for the girls to make and ultimately sold them to tourists. They saw first hand they could have a future capability of making a living. It was a joy to see several young Ghanaian males support the idea of educating females and VS should be proud of them.

What made this experience unique and special?

Jill: VS was very well organized and although they all operate on "Ghana time" things do actually get done and always with a smile! The country co-ordinator and his staff are totally focused on the welfare of all volunteers. My experience was enhanced by cultural trips and events and I was able to enjoy many aspects of Ghana. So much so, I can't wait to go back. Our homestay was perfect and I remain in touch with our hostess. Her cooking was terrific and her young son quite a character.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Jill: My experience in Ghana with VS was so successful I did not hesitate to volunteer with them again. I will again travel with one daughter and give service in Siem Reap, Cambodia in July 2013, en route to visit another daughter in Indonesia. The online application has gone smoothly and I already have my volunteer position set and housing arranged.

Although now retired, I can say that for as long as I can enjoy traveling the world I will always do it with an addition of volunteer work. Ultimately it makes understanding a culture so much more valid when you take on a daily life with the locals and help in some small way. Volunteering Solutions will always be my first choice when looking for a volunteer position abroad.