Alumni Spotlight: Benjamin Mittman

Ben is from a suburb of Los Angeles, California. He is 16 years old and currently attends Calabasas High School.

Why did you decide to study abroad with Sol HS Abroad?

Benjamin Mittman exploring Argentina

Ben: I decided to study abroad with Sol HS Abroad for several reasons. First, I am an experienced traveler and always look forward to seeing new places around the world. When a Sol representative visited my Spanish 3 class I decided immersing myself in another country, culture, and language on my own would be my next adventure. The presentation caught my attention from the beginning and I had made up my mind.

In addition to the adventure of travel, I knew studying abroad would really improve my Spanish. And I was right! There is no better way to learn a language than to stay in the country where it is spoken and forget about English for a few weeks. Finally, I was excited about meeting new people and making friends. In fact, I still keep in touch with the other members of the group after an entire year. Sol is a great choice!

What made this experience unique and special?

Ben: Despite having traveled many times before, I had never traveled alone. This study abroad experience was really unique and one I will never forget. I went to Buenos Aires, Argentina for 4 weeks and it was really special. I love the feel of large metropolitan cities, and Buenos Aires is a perfect example of such a place. Excitement surrounded me and my new friends wherever we went, whether we were learning Spanish from the fantastic teachers at the academy or wandering the streets in search of a new restaurant, there was always so much to do and plenty of time to explore. Freedom and independence ruled my days there as I discovered so much about myself in such a short period of time.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Sol Abroad students with Benjamin Mittman

Ben: This trip impacted me profoundly in several ways. The memories I created in Argentina will stay with me for the rest of my life. It truly was an experience of a life time, an experience that was introduced to me in a classroom and unfolded before me in a foreign country. Traveling alone forced me to step out of my comfort zone and discover things I never imagined I could. I met so many interesting people and learned a lot about myself. I believe that this trip will stay with me throughout my professional career and will help define me as a dedicated and adventurous person who isn't afraid to put himself out there in the real world with courage and excitement.

An important factor in deciding to travel with Sol is academics. I have always loved Spanish, and this trip improved my ability to speak and comprehend so much that I was able to enter the senior AP class as a junior. I not only will receive college credit for high school, but I also received university credit for the time I spent in the classroom in Buenos Aires. It was fun and rewarding! Studying abroad with Sol HS Abroad was an amazing experience and I will always remember it.