Alumni Spotlight: Dom Sutton

Dom Sutton,18 from Cheshire England, is currently about to go off the university to study Wildlife Conservation. He enjoys running, playing the guitar and photography.

Why did you decide to enroll with Oyster Worldwide in South Africa?

Dom with monkeys at the wildlife center

Dom: I enrolled in Oyster Worldwide South Africa because the project was exactly what I was looking for. I had wanted to work with monkeys and primates for a very long time, and when I saw the monkey rehabilitation program on the Oyster website, I decided it was an opportunity I simply could not pass up!

If you could go back and do something differently, what would it be?

Dom: I wouldn't change much about my time in South Africa. The only thing I would do differently is spend more time there (another week or so), and take more money so I could go on all of the different day trips and excursions that were on offer.

What was the most memorable moment of the trip?

Dom: I had many moments that I will undoubtedly remember forever. Firstly the contact with the monkeys and the baboons. But possibly my favorite part of the trip was the 3 day trip to Kruger National Park. Seeing animals that I have dreamed about seeing within 10 feet of the car was truly an unforgettable experience.

Tell me about one person you met.

Local resident of the monkey rehabilitation center

Dom: Bob Venter, the man that runs riverside monkey rehabilitation center (along with his wife Lynne) Is one of the most interesting and inspiring people that I have ever met. Speaking to him about his life, and listening to his stories made me make my decision of what I wanted to go on and study at university - wildlife conservation.

How has this experience impacted your future?

Dom: My time at riverside made me realise that working with animals was what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. Simple as that!