Staff Spotlight: Kagiso Jantjies

Digital Marketing Intern


Kagiso works as part of the marketing team at GVI. As the digital marketing intern, she deals with all things social media, blog, and community management.

Kagiso has a huge passion for social media and enjoys creating content for GVI.

What is your favorite travel memory?

Travelling to the UK has to be my favourite trip ever! It was one of the UK's hottest summers in 2018 and I couldn't have been happier to have great weather for my first time abroad.

London is definitely the city to be in and I really enjoyed shopping till I dropped in Oxford street. This trip was definitely everything I imagined it to be and more!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have acquired more knowledge in a short space of time than I have in any other job I've been in. As an intern, I have been given the opportunity to make decisions and bring ideas to the table that I feel may help the company succeed.

I've also learnt to ask for help when needed because the support is reiterated constantly and they make sure that you know that you're not alone.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

The best stories I've heard are of students who have grown as individuals as well as in their different careers. I believe growth is one of the most important aspects of life that we need to go through and to know that our company helps you grow in those different aspects, makes me happy. I also love it when students say that they would love to come back for another program, which just shows the impact our programs have on people's lives.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Definitely our women's empowerment program. We live in a world where gender inequality still exists and I would love to contribute to making women's rights heard as well as empower women to take charge of their lives and know that they can also reach their goals be it personal, educational or, business goals.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

All our programs are beneficial in some way. Whether you're on a virtual program or an in-field program, you are bound to learn something new and gain a new perspective. Our programs provide you with valuable life skills, meaningful relationships, support as well as the opportunity to make an impact while you learn.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Passion, passion and more passion! If a team is passionate about the work they do and produce, it shows on the front end. Everyone at GVI has a passion for seeing the company succeed in many different ways.

One or more of our company's values present themselves within individuals and that also helps with being aligned with the company itself.