Staff Spotlight: Ashleigh McLean


Ashleigh McLean was born in Adelaide, Australia and moved to the UK with her family in 1999. While studying at the University of Liverpool, she spent a year living in Austria, improving her knowledge of the German language, and co-founded The English Camp Company with Nathanial Poerio. After graduating with a BA in German and International Development, she moved to Italy to devote her time to The ECC. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family and her dog Alba, cooking new recipes, and travelling.

What position do you hold at The English Camp Company? What has been your career path so far?

Ashleigh: My name is Ashleigh McLean and I am the Co-Founder of The English Camp Company. The ECC was founded while I was in university; after graduating from university, I have since been organizing summer camps through The ECC.

Did YOU teach abroad?! If so, where and what inspired you to go?

Ashleigh: Yes, in the summer of 2005 I taught English in Romania at a residential summer camp for 6 weeks. I had so much fun that I wanted to continue my summer job of teaching English in Europe. I then taught English in summer camps in Italy for 3 consecutive summers before founding The English Camp Company.

What does the future hold for The English Camp Company - any exciting new programs to share?

Ashleigh: We are always continuing to strengthen and improve our summer program for our tutors. We currently have most of our camps in Italy and a few in Austria, so we hope to be able to expand in Austria in the future.

What about the future of the teach abroad industry? How do you think international education will change over the next 10 years?

Ashleigh: The teach abroad industry is extremely positive. Many people are now realizing the importance of Mother Tongue Language teachers, and I think this will only increase.