Staff Spotlight: Ashley Newell

What position do you hold at All Out Africa? What led you to join their team?

Ashley Newell

Ashley: I am All Out Africa’s Community Projects Coordinator in Cape Town, South Africa.

I joined All Out Africa after partnering with the Cape Town projects through my previous job. I really respect All Out’s level of community engagement and partnerships with community organizations; it goes above and beyond volunteer placements.

What do you most enjoy about your role?

Ashley: I love how diverse my job is. I work with such an array of projects and so many different volunteers from different parts of the world.

All Out Africa and our long standing relationships with so many different community organizations has enabled me to become a valuable resource for the entire community and made new collaborations and community outreach projects possible.

The energy and passion the volunteers bring combined with the inspirational dedication of our project partners makes me feel grateful for the role I get to play within our organization and community everyday!

Have you volunteered abroad? Do tell!

Ashley: I first volunteered abroad in New Zealand in 2007 working on a conservation project and really loved the connection to a country you get when you’re based in one community for a period of time before than travelling and experiencing the rest.

I started my relationship with South Africa in 2009 when I volunteered on a community project in the Eastern Cape where I fell in love with the cultural beauty of the country and the fascinating position South Africa is in historically at the moment.

After completing my studies in 2010 I returned yet again to intern in Social Work and Public Health in Cape Town and have stuck around ever since working with volunteers and community organizations.

Which All Out Africa program do you have your eye on for your next trip?

Ashley: I’m always so jealous of our Cape to Kruger volunteers - they get to experience three of the stunning countries we work in while also connecting with our community projects in both Swaziland and Mozambique.

I feel like they really get an amazing understanding of the diversity of Southern Africa and certainly have a blast along the way!

What tips do you have for first-time volunteers abroad?

Ashley: I would say just to be open to making the most of your time aboard.

Volunteering allows you to really connect with the community and learn about another culture (or cultures) in a very unique way – give it all you’ve got because the more you put in the more you’ll get out of it and you’re sure to walk away a much richer person from the experience.