Staff Spotlight: Sandra Bao

What position do you hold at Au Pair Shanghai? What has been your career path so far?

Sandra Bau, a member of the Au Pair Shanghai staff

Sandra: My position with Au Pair Shanghai is working with international affairs. I have held this position for two years.

What do you most enjoy about your role?

Sandra: I really enjoy communicating with people from different countries. I love helping people solve any problems they might have while in China.

What makes Au Pair Shanghai's programs special?

Sandra: The staff of Au pair Shanghai treat all the au pairs like our own friends, and Au Pair Shanghai strives to offer the best services to make our au pairs feel at home. Another great aspect of Au Pair Shanghai is that we offer cultural courses, Mandarin lessons, as well as many different kinds of activities.

What is your favorite story of an au pair's experiences with Au Pair Shanghai?

Sandra: My favorite story of a great au pair experience was when we went on a nature outing with Au Pair Shanghai. It was very fun and I realized how much the au pairs care about nature.

Any tips for someone considering becoming an au pair in China?

Sandra: As everybody knows, Chinese culture is quite different from other cultures, so before you decide to be an au pair in China, it would be a good idea to know a little bit about the differences. Make a good plan for yourself before going on the trip, and write down your goals and try to accomplish them!

Be prepared for a little bit of homesickness, as China is far away from your hometown! Making friends here will really help with the homesickness! Lastly, remember that Au Pair Shanghai is always available to the au pairs and au pairs should feel free to contact Au Pair Shanghai with any problem they might encounter!