Accademia del Lusso

Accademia del Lusso School of Fashion and Design

Why choose Accademia del Lusso School of Fashion and Design?

Accademia del Lusso was founded in 2005, and is the School of Fashion and Design in Italy specialised in training key professional figures in the fashion, design and luxury sectors. Our main school site is on Via Montenapoleone, an inspiring location at the heart of Milan’s fashion district, and a mandatory stop for whoever wants to come into contact with the inner core of the fashion world.

Accademia del Lusso's BA programs in Fashion Design and Fashion Styling and Communication and MA programs, are accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Great hands-on experience

I attended the three-year course in Fashion Design. Since the start of the course Accademia's environment offered full dedication to each student creative side and professionalism. Teachers are skilled experts who teach with love and discipline.

Accademia del Lusso has given me the chance to take part in a number of events for practical fieldwork during this time, from backstage support during the Milan Fashion Week to the end-of-year fashion shows organised by the school, together with many national and international competitions we were able to participate as students during the year.

On the third year, Accademia organised a career day, in which we were able to meet major fashion companies representatives. This is how I managed to find my internship for last summer. I am grateful to Accademia, I had a wonderful experience.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing month spent during my Summer Course in Fashion Design

Throughout this summer course I got a unique chance to learn a lot of important things in the fashion industry. The program was divided into four different weeks, each with its own beauty and super exciting knowledge. First week was about fabrics and research, where you learn the key to innovation. Second week, was about drawing, while the third one was about moulage and how to manipulate fabrics on the manequin, ending with photoshop and illustrator. To sum up, I learned many interesting and valuable things that one don’t even realize it’s possible in just a month! I really enjoyed it and do recommend it for anyone interested in fashion. Finally, the staff and instructors were super supportive and friendly, all in all quite the positive environment. It is indeed a unique experience that I am glad I went through!

What would you improve about this program?
Just regarding the accommodation, it should be made clearer that it is not really close to the university. Otherwise, it is a really great program!
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Yes, I recommend this program

I am coming back for my Master's degree

I attended the summer course in fashion design because I wanted to experience fashion in Milan and I got even more than I expected. At the end I added two more weeks and spent three wonderful weeks in NMilan and Accademia.
Professors were very kind and friendly, the student help office helped me settling in and find an apartment. I eventually shared a flat with my course mates and that was very nice. The program was very detailed and at the same time it covered many topics quite new to me, the most interesting thing was to see how the Made in Italy is rooted in the culture and how it reflects in fashion.
We visited fashion labs and had the chance to check materials, technics and to talk to experience fashion rapresentatives.
I also traveled around Italy, I experience great food, great people as well as excellent weather.
I just enrolled for the Master's degree intake of October and I can not wait to go back!

What would you improve about this program?
I believe there is nothing more to do, it is already great!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Excellent Experience

Studying Fashion Product Design at Accademia del Lusso was a life-changing experience!! I’m so glad I did it! The course content was covered in a really enjoyable way and the small class sizes meant the learning environment was always relaxed but productive. The teachers were very supportive and knowledgeable, while still allowing students to explore and have autonomy over their own work. Studying in Milan meant I also had some amazing opportunities to be involved with prestigious fashion events, like Milan Fashion Week and Milano Unica, which were incredibly valuable. The opportunity to also participate in the end of year runway show was a true highlight also! If you are thinking about studying fashion in Milan, Accademia del Lusso will support you the whole way and you absolutely won’t regret the experience!!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Interior design course

I had a lot of fun during the course. I liked its practical focus, still maybe more theory would be nice as I feel many times that my knowledge is not complete. The AutoCad and Photoshop classes proved to be very useful. What I would suggest is to put maybe more emphasis on 3D and learning how to draw quick sketches. 3D is certainly a huge gap in the program. 3D Max or another program would be crucial to include.
Drawing sketches is incredibly important when meeting clients and this we barely practiced. I know one year is short and would suggest to consider having longer learning programs. 2-3 years sounds a reasonable timeframe.
I enjoyed the most preparing for meetings and meeting with clients. This gave me the opportunity to learn and improve the most.
The teachers were all very nice and always available for questions, sometimes even during weekends or evening hours. This I truly appreciated.
I definitely would improve the training materials. We barely used them and sometimes I miss not to have a book.
In general I find the school good and can recommend, but as mentioned above one year is too short to gain a deep knowledge and 3D design has an outmost importance to make this learning Module complete.


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Chloe Payer

Job Title
Professor of Marketing, Communication and Business Development at Accademia del Lusso
Professor of Marketing, Communication, and Business Development at Accademia del Lusso. Professional Training & Coaching. Founder and developer of My Little Milan; Editor, Blogger, Author of the web Magazine Italie-France & Club Italie-France.

Experience in sales, marketing, communication & business intelligence in the online and offline market place. Areas of expertise: general management, developing and managing new & existing businesses, lead generation, marketing strategy.
Chloe Payer

What is your favorite travel memory?

Traveling to new places brought me many good memories, meeting new friends and making unforgettable experiences while learning new languages and different ways of living and thinking. Being curious about new cultures helped me to learn useful abilities. Who I am today and how I live my life is the result of those experiences around the world, mostly working and living in other countries, especially since I’m French

Living in Italy, teaching communication, marketing, and business development in English to people coming from China, India, America, Middle East, Europe - that’s how I make my favorite memories!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I really have a passion for teaching; it is a unique opportunity to encourage students to learn new skills and contribute to their professional and personal development.

Each time I meet a new student, I try to understand his/her background and how I can make a difference. Forging new relationships and see how our work can positively affect our students’ lives is a great responsibility and gift.

I am truly grateful to the Accademia del Lusso for this opportunity.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

By teaching, I share my experience as a professional and entrepreneur. I tell students how the “real” world is outside and give them tips to navigate through job opportunities.

My best story is a “multiple stories”: I had the privilege to forge strong relationships with some of my students over the years and I like when I can be a “trusted ear” to them and they turn to me when they need advice or support. I try to give my students a strategic way of thinking they can use wherever they are and they regularly tell me that it helped them to know what to do, whether it’s a social media communication job or brand assistant or creating one’s brand and design.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I teach how to sell fashion and how to create emotions and share a unique brand experience and stand out on the market. I would definitely learn how to make fashion with the Fashion Product Design course and improve my knowledge of coloring techniques, textiles, and fabric technology and learn to tailor. That would be fun!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

The human factor is what makes the Accademia del Lusso unique and outstanding. The time and effort put in each class and each student makes the difference as we get the opportunity to contribute to their education and we can personalize our teaching and make some practical experiences. I’m always amazed at how much a student can change from September to June, getting a more matured attitude and getting new ideas to put in motion.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I believe the biggest factor in being successful is listening. Listen to your team and their ideas and how to work better together to create sustainable growth and well-being; listen to customers and their needs and wants and how to answer them to forge stronger relationships and experiences; listen to the market, to its evolution, to tech opportunities and trends to create beautiful products, smart services and unique experiences.