

Why choose ASK Now?

Teaching English in South Korea is a great opportunity to explore the world while saving money and earning valuable job experience. If you would like to teach in Korea, ASK Now Inc. can help you accomplish this goal. Our role is to help you experience teaching English in Korea by taking away the stress of the job search. We walk you through the process, and make sure that you get a job that is right for you. Apply now, and let your adventure in Korea begin.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Life in the RoK

I arrived in Korea knowing very little. I had a big mix up with the airline and almost got stranded in Qatar when changing planes but my agent sorted everything out and I got to Korea in one piece.

I was picked up at the airport by a taxi and delivered to my school to be introduced to my manager and coworkers and then taken to my new apartment to settle in.

I had a few pointers from my coworkers on what to do in class but it was fairly straight forward and I got into the rhythm pretty quickly.

I have now been in Korea for 5 years. I absolutely love living here. The food is amazing and the people are friendly. The job is rewarding and life is good.

I would definitely recommend giving it a go. Even if only for a year it is a great opportunity to experience Asian culture and a good base for travel in Asia too.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Big Benefits By Teaching In Korea

Teaching in Korea has been much more than just a way to earn money abroad. Once you arrive in Korea, you are immediately hit with the rich culture that allows your year stay to not just be enjoyable, but unforgettable. With housing accommodations and paid flights out of your mind, you can really enjoy life in and outside of work. Teaching children day to day gives you the opportunity to share much more than your language. Soon you discover that the children you teach begin to teach you things about yourself that were somehow hidden before coming to Korea. Of course, there will be difficulties, but I have seen these to be more learning experiences than anything. Traveling abroad really allows you to define who you are as an individual, as well as allows you to start creating a defined path on which you will walk in the future. This is really an opportunity to help others while helping yourself in a truly unique way.


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