
Find An Internship

Why choose Find An Internship?

A little about us!

Find An Internship is an international agency, which specialises in finding internships in the United Kingdom.

Our work ethic and values mean we don’t just match skill sets to requirements; we understand that we are in the people business. We are a people focused company that values the importance of building positive relationships with employers and candidates.

Find An Internship (FAI) is the only organisation that guarantees an internship with host companies from major organisations to small businesses.We are committed to supporting you with the first steps of your career.


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Yes, I recommend this program

absolutely recommended

I had a pleasure to have an Internship with FAI.
It was an amazing experience, I felt part of a team, I felt important and they helped me a lot for my CV and career.

I will always be thankful for what they have done for me and what I have learned with them!

I can be happier than this!


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Yes, I recommend this program

Experience with Find An Internship

My internship experience with Find An Internship was an invaluable experience I have had in my one-year master studies. Studying digital marketing in Imperial College, I hope to get a chance to apply my lecture knowledge into practice. FAI was really a good company to apply for. I was firstly impressed by the core founders' acute mind for their business and their comprehensive and reasonable long term strategy for the business' development. In joining FAI later on proved to be a right choice, because I learned quite a lot in relation to taking over the whole social media implementations. I learned how to manage varied social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, Instagram from the scratch, how to align the business objective with the social tune and content, how to get audience engaged and keep them active, how to keep the balance between different social media platforms, how to seek for appropriate content for corresponding channels, how to target on our desired consumers, how to acquire customer base swiftly, how to plan the social media schedule in order to catch audience' attention to a large extent, how to catch up the latest topics and combine them with the company's objective, and how to enhance conversion rate in order to reach business actionable goals.
All of that was a truly great entrepreneur experience for me. You are expected to manage a whole bulk of business by yourself totally, and you can see the direct result quickly. Amazing opportunities are raised from this internship, from which you would learn a lot more than in a typical company or in a large company.
I really treasure this internship not only because I gained digital marketing techniques, but also because I felt the collaborative culture within the company and received helpful support from all staffs within the organisation. Strongly recommend this company to all of those who want to make a change to the world for the international students.

What would you improve about this program?
The communication among all staffs could be raised more frequently and more information or knowledge could be shared in the future.


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