
Gyeonggi English Villages

Why choose Gyeonggi English Villages?

Teach English in Korea at the Gyeonggi English Village (GEV). This is a cutting-edge education facility that provides a total English immersion environment for Korean students in the Gyeonggi province. We're looking for dedicated English teachers who are passionate about teaching and cultural exchange. We're located in the city of Paju which is about an hour from Seoul by train. This program is perfect for English teachers who want a more laid-back and authentic Korean experience. Please visit our website for more information about teaching in Korea at the Gyeonggi English Village, and to apply online.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Best job in SK

The negatives... administration can be difficult to deal with, 45 minute bus ride to Seoul (if that's even a negative).

The positives... EVERYTHING! I spent two years here and loved it completely. You are reliably paid (paid well) on time, the pay and benefits are through the government and much higher than the majority of jobs out there, the apartments are very livable, the staff are incredible.. it's a built in social network of about 100 foreigners and Korean colleagues who love to travel and explore, the curriculum is developed collaboratively and not stressful, there is no marking/grading on a consistent basis, there is a full gym within minutes from your apartment, the surrounding area is beautiful, it's MUCH cleaner than Seoul, I really can't say enough about how wonderful life is at EV. I suppose you can find fault with any job, city, insert-life-quips, but overall I think you would be hard pressed to find anything like this in Korea.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Welcome to English Village

Basic essentials to know about English Village is this. First you will live on an 80-acre campus (awesome) but it has been decaying at a rapid pace over 5-years (lame.sad.terrible). In those 5-years it has had an administration crisis every 1.5-years (seriously depressing) but it is always changing curriculum (good) with the influx of teachers. Usually around 100-teachers from around the world (Ireland, Canada, South Africa, UK, America, Australia, New Zealand...) teach 6-different programs: one-week (middle school, high school), one-day (kindergarten, middle school, high school, adults), teachers teaching teachers (adults), military (over 20-years old), after-school (middle school) and special programs (adults & foreign students {Japanese or Russians}). Students come from all over South Korea but mainly Gyeonggi and Seoul provinces. They are taught 6-8 classes each day with an assortment of curriculum including broadcast, arts & crafts, cooking, daily planet, drama, science and game-time. There are usually 400-students during the one-week program, 30-50 special programs and 10-30 adults on campus during any given week. The day-program handles any amount of day visitors on campus whether it be 2 or 400 people! And we have an edutainer group consisting of 15-20 trained actors, choregraphers and drama people building English plays and performances which run 1-3 months.

English Village reminds me of Eastern Europe with its structural appearance and is about 45-minutes Northwest of Seoul near the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and North Korea's southern border.
It's a fantastic quiet location away from the noise and amongst the rolling hills. Nature is everywhere here and the neighbors are wonderful people. Especially with the artist community (Heyri Art Valley) across the street.

All in All... Living here has been a wonderful experience. Meeting people from around the world. And traveling throughout South Korea. It's a relaxing job, an easy summer-camp like atmosphere and a good living space.


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