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Involvement Volunteers International (IVI)

Why choose Involvement Volunteers International (IVI)?

Established in 1989, IVI are pioneers of volunteer overseas experiences. Together with our many partners worldwide, our mission is to educate, fight poverty, improve health and empower change through sustainable volunteer work in developing communities abroad.

As a Non Profit Org, we have placed over 25000+ volunteers worldwide! A volunteer travel experience offers a unique opportunity to learn and grow and can be truly life changing for all involved. Our carefully selected programs are designed to help you actually make a difference.

We have extensive inspirational volunteer programs abroad, including Africa, the South Pacific, South & Southeast Asia, and Cental & South America. All our impactful programs include accommodation, meals, airport transfers, pre-departure support and 24/7 in-country support. Our local partners have years of experience hosting international volunteers and have seen positive impact from our projects.

Join us today and make a difference.

Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

IVI are firmly committed to providing full support and inclusivity for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour) individuals. Through our programs and initiatives, we strive to create a safe and empowering space that acknowledges, values, and uplifts the unique perspectives and contributions of BIPOC communities. Our organisation stands united in the fight against discrimination and is dedicated to fostering an environment where everyone can thrive, irrespective of their background.

LGBTQIA+ Support

IVI are dedicated to providing our full support for individuals from the LGBTQIA+ community, we strive to create a safe and welcoming space for people of all gender identities and sexual orientations. Our commitment extends to promoting equal rights, dignity, and respect for every individual, regardless of their LGBTQIA+ status. We aim to create a world where diversity is embraced and everyone can thrive to their full potential.

Neurodivergent Support

IVI are committed to fostering inclusivity, we provide steadfast support to neurodivergent individuals. Our programs create a safe and embracing environment, where diverse neurocognitive perspectives are valued. Upholding equal rights and respect, we aim to eliminate obstacles and empower all members of the neurodivergent community to thrive through our dedicated initiatives.

Accessibility Support

With a strong commitment to inclusivity, IVI offer support for individuals requiring accessibility accommodations. Our initiatives are designed to create an environment where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can fully participate and contribute. Whilst some programs may be more suitable than others, we strive to empower all individuals to engage and excel in our programs and activities.



IVI are dedicated to promoting sustainability in all aspects of our work. By embracing sustainable practices, we envision a future where communities thrive, natural resources are preserved, and the Earth's ecosystems are nurtured for generations to come. We are committed to keeping our projects focused on positively benefitting the local communities and environment.

Ethical Impact

Our programs embody ethical volunteering by placing local community well-being and empowerment at the forefront. We engage in transparent collaboration, focusing on sustainable solutions that respect local cultures and preserve dignity. Through responsible, long-term projects, we foster genuine connections, create lasting change, and uphold the principles of ethical engagement.


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Yes, I recommend this program

health education in fiji

Volunteering in Fiji was truly a life-changing experience. It was so fulfilling to interact and connect with the youth in the villages and schools. I enjoyed teaching the children how to wash their hands and brush their teeth in the schools. The kids were so eager to learn and they couldn't stop smiling and hugging myself and the other volunteers. It was touching to see how happy the people of Fiji are, even though they do not have a lot of money, the community is super tight and connected.

The local team was extremely welcoming and friendly. It was very easy to contact them if you needed anything. Transportation always arrived on time. The food was delicious and included some traditional Fijian cuisine. The accommodation was close to nearby hotels, restaurants, shopping and beaches!

For part of my trip I was able to enter the sports program since the hours didn't conflict with health education. It would have been nice to do both for the entire trip. So maybe during registration, it could offer to add programs at your specific site.

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Yes, I recommend this program

health education fiji

Volunteering in Fiji was truly a life-changing experience. It was so fulfilling to interact and connect with the youth in the villages and schools. I enjoyed teaching the children how to wash their hands and brush their teeth in the schools. The kids were so eager to learn and they couldn't stop smiling and hugging myself and the other volunteers. It was touching to see how happy the people of Fiji are, even though they do not have a lot of money, the community is super tight and connected.

The local team was extremely welcoming and friendly. It was very easy to contact them if you needed anything. Transportation always arrived on time. The food was delicious and included some traditional Fijian cuisine. The accommodation was close to nearby hotels, restaurants, shopping and beaches!

For part of my trip I was able to enter the sports program since the hours didn't conflict with health education. It would have been nice to do both for the entire trip. So maybe during registration, it could offer to add programs at your specific site.

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Yes, I recommend this program

In Indonesia for the Turtle Conservation Project.

In Indonesia for the Turtle Conservation Project.... Volunteering was the best experience of my life ! The turtles are so cute and it was very fulfilling to take care of them.

I met loads of amazing people, visited places that looked absolutely out of this world, and gained lots of independence. I feel as though this experience has changed me as a person, I’ve learnt a lot.

The coordinators are amazing: they’re easygoing, funny, dedicated and always there to make you smile.

The food and the accommodation was excellent.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Sigatoka, Fiji. Teaching project.

My Fiji volunteering trip was the most incredible experience of my life. It sounds overdramatic to describe it like this but the combination of the people and the program was amazing. I met beautiful people and shared the best experiences - we've already planned trips to see each other after the program!

About the team and volunteer house...The local team in Fiiji were beautiful people. They made sure we were comfortable and well fed. The accommodation was kept clean and tidy. A plumbing issue was dealt with quickly.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Remote Island project Fiji and island teaching.

I can’t express enough how much Meki, Tima and Paulina took care of me. They would even fan me when I was eating and if I was lying on the front deck (anywhere I was actually if they thought it was needed😆) I’ve never been fanned before😆

Sitting up the head of the table being fanned and continually fed was definitely a new experience! I felt like Queen Joey😆
They also prepared me the most beautiful bedroom.

I have arranged to visit Meki and his beautiful family again in October. Also a lovely lady Karalaini from the one of the hotels I stayed in has asked me to her parents village while I’m there. I’m very excited to be seeing everyone! I’ll also get to see the ladies at the women’s commune as Karalaini’s Grandma lives there.

This is Karalaini I met at a hotel I stayed in. She is the lady taking me to her village. There’s always a positive if I hadn’t stayed in hotels at times I wouldn’t of met her:) I truly had the best time thank you.

I just absolutely love volunteering☀️ Thank you also for always getting back to me Lauren explaining everything to me and helping me every step of the way,

x Jo


Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Lauren Lacey

Job Title
Porgram manager
Masters Degree Marketing, Bachelor Health Science (Nutrition), Post Grad Dip (Nat) and Post Grad Cert Humantarian crisis response. Currently studying a Masters in Psychotherapy to better serve the people I get to work with :-)

What is your favorite travel memory?

Arriving in Bodhgaya, India for the very first and being serenaded by beautiful children. My heart has never been so full! The director of the school Dhirendra, taught me a lot about compassion and that the true journey in life is that of the heart. He gave up his entire life and career to build a school to provide an education to the poor children of the villages who had no opportunity otherwise to do so. This has enabled girls to become educated to either do tertiary study or start micro-businesses giving back to the community in a culture that would previously not encourage girls to be self-sufficient. It is through his vision, the shape ofthe entire community has changed and girls having jobs is now normalized. Bodhgaya is home of the Bodhi tree and Buddhist religion so the temples and monks there are also incredible.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Absolutely I have changed! I have learned that by giving back to others my life has become so full. I have had my share of frustrating moments when volunteering (mostly in airports lol!) but I have learned so much about myself and feel called to do more.

IVI is an Australian charity & non profit organisation founded in 1989 and is one of the pioneers of overseas volunteering. Back when there was no internet and phones were a luxury in many parts of the world, we traveled to developing countries in search of credible NGO’s in need of manpower and global volunteer resources. Some of the many relationships we forged are utilized to this day.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

SO many peoples lives have been changed by volunteering, a young volunteer who comes to mind though is his experience of arriving completely lost (mental health challenges) and then got physically lost in India and what emerged was incredible resilience and problem-solving that allowed him to tackle all tasks as the school he volunteered and left a changed person. He has volunteered in multiple countries since as well - Sri Lanka, Fiji and Bali

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Bodygaya, India and the remote island teaching I think are the most special. You learn quickly how important a strong sense of community is even in the poorest of poor conditions. Because they have each other they really can get through anything! The leaders of both projects are incredibly inspiring as well.
What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?
The nutrition and public health and medical projects are our most unique offerings as we send in specialized teams to make a real impact.

Some of the roles include:
– Conducting individual and group consultations
– Remote island healthcare education
– Corporate health
– Children’s health & education
– Identifying protein deficiency among school kids
– Assisting in the prescription of natural protocols
– Providing educational assistance and local talks (if desired)
– Helping build nutrition and diabetes awareness campaigns
– Designing fitness and exercise programs
– Village exercise programs
– General healthy living programs.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Having a humanitarian heart at the centre of a volunteering org is the most important. Giving jobs back to the local community is also important as it ensures the projects are sustainable.

IVI, we are not motivated by profits, but by helping disadvantaged communites around the world to be the best they can be. We would love to have you join us making a positive impact to those in need, as well as to our wonderful planet.
