
Movement Exchange

Why choose Movement Exchange?

At Movement Exchange (Move-Ex), we envision a world in which dance education is accessible to all. We believe dance and movement have the ability to empower individuals, strengthen communities, and make the world a better place. Since 2010, Move-Ex has been providing dance education throughout the United States and abroad. Our growing network of university chapters in the United States offers free dance education to their local communities. University chapter members and other dance diplomats participate in week-long international dance exchanges in Panama or Brazil during which they learn from local dance artists and teach dance classes for at-risk youth. To support sustainable dance education, Movement Exchange operates year-round, locally staffed dance education programs in the international communities served.



Yes, I recommend this program

Movement Exhange changed my life

Movement Exchange embodies pure passion, love, connection, and service. Going into the program last summer, I knew something incredible was about to happen, but I had no idea how much the experience would impact my life. My heart was overflowing by the end of my time in Panama, and it felt impossible to leave the amazing children, and dancers we had conencted with. During our program, I had the most clear and profound realization that the kind of service & connection we were engaging in was exactly what I have always wanted to do, the kind of work I know I want to pursue in my future. I think about the sweet children in Panama every day, and they have been my motivation in everything I do. I can’t wait to return this summer!
I have nothing but love & gratitude for the amazing work that Movement Exchange does every single day.

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Movement Exchange: Moving to Change Lives

I have been involved in Movement Exchange for over 3 years now and this organization's commitment to uniting dance and service in a global setting continues to amaze me. The international dance exchange to Panama allows participants from across the world to move and connect with other another, forming long lasting relationships despite cultural or language barriers. This exchange really opened my eyes to the true power of dance—dance, as a kinesthetic art form, has an unparalleled ability to bring people together. Even after my first exchange three years ago, I still connect with and talk to some of the children I worked with in Panama. With an emphasis on providing sustainable dance education, Movement Exchange will continue to inspire and change lives through dance!


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