
Ninos de Guatemala

Why choose Ninos de Guatemala?

Ninos de Guatemala (NDG) provides underprivileged children with an education. NDG runs two primary schools and a secondary school which house over 400 Guatemalan children that would otherwise not have been able to go to school. The organization is self-sustainable due to several business initiatives such as a Spanish school and tourist activities.


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Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Daniela Eunice Morales Paredes

Job Title
Social Business Assistant & NDG Tour Guide

I was born in Guatemala City, but when I was 12 years old, I moved to the colonial city and cultural heritage of Antigua Guatemala. My parents raised me with values and moral principles and instilled in me that I should always seek to do good to others. For that reason, I joined Niños de Guatemala NGO, to contribute with a grain of sand to communities that have little access to education.

I love what I do, because, as a Tour Guide, I have the opportunity to get to know more people from different cultures and to show them the beauty of my country, but also the reality. Furthermore, I feel the duty to raise awareness in people and motivate them to help, not necessarily to us, but if our circumstances allow us, helping others allows us to break the cycle of poverty here and everywhere.

What is your favorite travel memory?

I think I can say that my favorite travel memory was when I first met the autumn. In my country, Guatemala, there are no such marked stations as in other countries; here, there is only the dry season and the rainy season. That is why it is known as "the land of eternal spring." So when I felt the cold surrounding and saw the beautiful landscapes tinted with different shades of orange ... I felt the skin bristle. This was my first trip and my first experience traveling outside of my country, and surely I will never forget it.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

It has helped me to grow up in many areas. I started working young and with little experience. Every day I learn something new, but with a lot of patience they have helped me to be better at what I do. I am also happy that they have given me the opportunity to continue studying and expanding my knowledge. That has been very supportive, since it allows me to open more doors in my future, as well as in the company. It has given me more experience and confidence on me and on my work.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

They all agree with one thing: it is a life-changing experience. Traveling and knowing the culture of people in different parts of the world is impressive. It opens your mind and makes you see the world from another angle, with a new focus. It is an experience that, if you have the opportunity to do it, you should not hesitate to live it.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Definitely I would choose the National Impact Experiences! With these tours around Guatemala, people can visit lots of amazing natural and cultural places. And if you are wondering, sure, I really want to be the tour guide who provides with additional information of these wonderful landscapes and communities.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Because everyone has the same desire to help that I have. We believe in people. Each area of the company, each decision taken and each person involved in any of the different programs, is helping with the maintenance and development of the three schools we manage and where 500 children have the opportunity to have a decent education that will help them improve their living conditions in the future.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Teamwork. If we all go in the same direction, being proactive, contributing ideas and fulfilling the work, any project can be successful. In addition, the collaboration of the community is a great help, so it is necessary that everyone knows our goals for the benefit of the people. And not to expect the company to solve everything, but I, personally, I must also give my best by contributing new and fresh ideas and continue to inform and educate myself to expand my knowledge.