
Omeida Chinese Academy

Why choose Omeida Chinese Academy?

Omeida Chinese Academy provides quality Chinese language tuition to students from all over the world. We are located in the beautiful town of Yangshuo, China where you can experience the Chinese culture and spend your free time exploring the rivers and mountains.

At Omeida, we offer Chinese language programs that meet the needs and goals of students at all levels while providing you with the flexibility to study when you choose. Whether you are joining us for an intensive spoken Chinese program, enjoying a one-on-one tailor made course, or working together with us in the volunteer program and take advantage of discounts, you will find that Omeida provides the perfect opportunity to be immersed in the Chinese language and culture. Moreover, you have the opportunity to study, eat, and hang out together with Chinese natives at our English school next door!



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Yes, I recommend this program

4 weeks in Yangshuo

I spent 4 weeks in Yangshou at the Omeida Academy learning Chinese.
What works well. The good.
-The Academy is set up with an English school and a Chinese school. The programs are designed to provide interactions with the students from the other school. The school set up a language partner for me (and anyone who requests it) so 1 hour a day I met with a student from the English Academy we timed 30 minutes where no English was spoken, then 30 minutes where no Chinese was spoken. This provided good practice for my Chinese.
-Many activities planned by the school. Each week there is a Saturday activity when I was there they were 1) a visit to a tea plantation 2) climbing the TV tower mountain in Yangshou (fabulous views from here) 3) river tracing. Each week there was a Wednesday cultural session (1 hour).
There is a weekly English corner activity for the English Academy. Two times there were dinners/barbeques for all the students. You could choose to attend or not attend any or all of these events.
-I lived in the school dormitory and could have chosen to have a roommate (Chinese national) from the English school. That would have provided further practice for my Chinese skills.
- There is a study room/lounge/coffee shop that provides a very active place for interaction.
-The school is close to many small restaurants/street vendors. When I was eating at them often times students from the Chinese academy would see me and join me for the meal. More oppurtunities to practice Chinese. Plus the communication with the local vendors is in Chinese.
-The school is well set up to provide many opportunities to speak Chinese.
-The teachers provided lessons that were generally fun and learning experiences.

The bad:
-There is a lot of turnover of students. Students come for times varying from 1 week to many months. They also have varying abilities in Chinese. This means there not a real opportunity for the teacher to direct the instruction in the long term at you. The class are relatively small typically 3 or 4 students. The last week one class has 2 students in it. In that class the teacher was able to focus the lessons for the 2 students she had.
The school does the best it can with the situation it is in.

Take home. I would recommend coming to Omeida if this was your first exposure to China, if you want to brush up your Chinese (1-3 weeks), or if you are starting at a no Chinese level. The school is set up for you to learn a lot in the time you are here.

For me, I have lived in China for 10 years and for the classroom experience think I would have been better served by one-on-one sessions.

People from all over the world, and of all ages were here. They got along quite well and had a good time together. I give the overall experience a 5/5.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Fascinating and fun

I spent 6 weeks at Omeida in late 2023 as part of a longer trip though Asia. I was starting from zero and was interested in learning some basic mandarin, learning more about China, exploring a beautiful place and meeting some new friends. During my six weeks with Omeida I achieved every one of my aims!

The school is really well organised, really cares about your overall experience and creates regular opportunities for you to explore nearby places and learn more about China as a whole. Good times

What was your funniest moment?
Ending up in a group singing Last Christmas in the annual Christmas party in front of an audience from the sister English school (I cannot sing)
  • Great teaching
  • Relaxed & informal atmosphere
  • Meeting new people
  • Learning Chinese is hard 🤣 (but fun)
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Yes, I recommend this program

three month stay at Omeida Chinese academy

When I arrived at Omeida the staff was very friendly and briefly introduced me to the school and my dormitory. The classes were pretty chill and fun because you learned without pressure. Every wednesday a teacher gave us a presentation about interesting topics related to chinese e.g. How Jiaozi are made. At the weekend the acivities were also very fun and entertaining so you never were bored. The people here are very friendly and you you will make friends really fast.
I can only recommend to stay at Omeida. It was one of the best experiences I made!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Go for it!

What can I say about my experience at Omeida?
Well, I'll have to use the same word that many others have already used: 'amazing'!
I've stayed for 4 weeks and left with the idea of coming back. If I could, I'd have definitely extended my stay.
When I was planning my trip, the first thing that caught my attention about Omeida was the promptness and proactivity of the staff. One small talk to Rachel was enough for me to decide to go to Yangshuo (Rachel, you rock!).
Once there, I felt welcomed and part of the 'family'.
My Chinese classes were in the morning and they were great. Well prepared, dynamic and motivating. Thanks Vivian!
The volunteering was in the late afternoon and, for me, it was the best part of this experience. In addiction to the feeling of being useful, I was able to meet different people, make friends and better understand Chinese culture.
Omeida also provides many activities and events which besides helping a lot during the learning process, are they excellent opportunities to create memorable moments.
So, for those who want to try this experience but are hesitating, I will say: 'go for it!' . It will exceed your expectations. Just like it happened to me.

  • Friendly and supportive environment
  • Amazing teachers
  • Proactive and very, very helpful staff
  • Food can be challenging
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Yes, I recommend this program

Adventure of a life time

Amazing experience! From the warm welcome from the staff, always there to help you, the amazing teachers with their charisma and heart devotion for teaching, the breathtaking scenery located in Yangshuo (Please, rent a bicycle or a scooter and explore this place and enjoy its beauty), and the cultural exchange, not only with chinese culture, but from people all around the world coming to learn. Also, the way english language students and chinese language students (students from abroad) come together to help out each other in their learning process is such an amazing thing to watch!
I got there with basic Chinese and now I can take part in small conversations, I can see how my listening and speaking skills increased really quick! Thanks to the teachers, language partners and friends! I had an amazing time!
Words are little to express my gratitude to the amazing Omeida team and the people I got to meet and made friends with, just beautiful moments were lived and I am so happy with the time I spent there, everything alongside my chinese learning. I highly recommend: this is the perfect place to learn chinese, making friends abroad and live the best experience! You will not regret coming to this place!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Have fun! Learn a lot, but mostly have fun while doing it. Meet a lot of people and keep up with your hard work. Also meet the local people! I, myself, got to meet amazing people outside school.
  • Time flexibility
  • Work autonomy
  • Supportive environment
  • Having to say goodbye (people come and go)


Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Michael Schuss

I am an English as a 2nd language teacher and was working at Wuzhou University in Guangxi Province, China, when I signed up for a month of Chinese language training at Omeida during my spring break. I have also worked briefly in Spain and am currently teaching online for a company named Cambly.
Michael Schuss standing on steps

Why did you choose this program?

Yangshuo (Omeida) is about a 4-hour bus ride from where I was living in Wuzhou. Guilin/Yangshuo is a famous part of China, and I was looking forward to seeing the famous Karst hills there. Omeida is also competitively priced compared to some other Chinese language schools in China. Omeida offers a lot of extra-curricular activities such as spelunking, raft trips, and calligraphy.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

I organized the whole trip on my own. I signed up for Omeida online. I asked one of my students to call Omeida, and they were very good about arranging for a taxi to pick me up at the bus drop-off in Yangshuo. Cecily met me at Omeida, and she was very helpful in getting me checked in and acculturated to life in Yangshuo.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

If you ever get the opportunity to visit China, go for it! It is a wonderful country! I remember asking someone for directions, and this person actually walked with me to the building I was looking for. I particularly developed a taste for Luo Si Fen (Guilin noodles) when I was there. You can get them "wei la (not too spicy)" or "chao la (lots of spice)." Make sure you visit Xi Jie (West Street) in Yangshuo. It is an amazing place, and you can find some incredible bargains there.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

I was on the half-day program, so I would study for 3 hours in the morning and then have lunch in the cafeteria. I would then go to Xi Jie or for a bike ride to Moon Hill or walk-in Yangshuo Park. The scenery is breathtaking! It's hard to believe that some of the Karst hill formations actually exist. Omeida also gave us a lot of extra-curricular activities, such as lessons on how to make Chinese dumplings and how to write some Chinese characters.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

Well, I was very fortunate in that I was in China, working as an English teacher, so I always seemed to have native Chinese speakers helping me. My language partner at Omeida told me that, when she arrived in China, she was picked up at the airport by a bogus cab driver. He drove her around for a while and then demanded 100 yuan before he would take her back to the airport.

How much did your Chinese improve while you were in China?

I lived in China for five years, and I got to the point where I could buy a bus or train ticket, speak in Chinese, or order food in a restaurant, but as far as having a good conversation with a native Chinese speaker, I never got to that level. 6 of us from Omeida, climbed an old tower in Yangshuo Park, one morning to watch the sunrise. Wow!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Ieva Bukelskyte

Job Title
Marketing Manager
Ieva Bukelskyte comes from a tiny country called Lithuania and at the moment is working in Omeida Chinese Academy as a Marketing Manager. She is a child of nature who loves adventure and everything related with outdoors. She is very excited to be in Yangshuo as it is a perfect place for that, especially for rock-climbing and biking! Her duties at Omeida include welcoming students and making them feel at home as well as spreading the word about Omeida Chinese Academy to the rest of the world.

What about the future of the industry? How do you think study abroad and international education will change over the next 10 years?

I believe there is a bright future for this industry! It’s becoming more and more popular to study abroad and it’s not a surprise as there are so many benefits of living and learning in another country. This experience expands our minds and in general positively changes lives of people.

When you study abroad everyday is a new adventure full of discoveries! I wish everyone could live and study in another country at least once in their lives, even for a short time and I am guaranteed- magic will happen.

What does the future hold for Omeida Chinese Academy - any exciting new programs to share?

The list of activities to do in Yangshuo is endless. Therefore we decided to combine learning Chinese language with Tai Chi practice or rock-climbing for example. We believe it will be a very fulfilling experience for our students: not only to learn Chinese but also develop and improve their skills of Tai Chi or rock-climbing.

For example, did you know that Yangshuo is fast becoming the rock climbing Mecca of Asia?

What was your favorite traveling experience?

It is very hard to choose one, as the list is endless. But one of the most favorite would be hitch-hiking to Morocco from Spain and meeting a local student in Tanger, who then invited us to visit and stay with his family in another town called Tetouen. We spent a night in his place and it was unbelievable.

His family opened not only their arms, but their hearts to us, strangers from another part of the world. We cooked food together, drank tea, shared stories with each other. His family trusted us; wanted to share everything they have, even though they did not have a lot themselves. They even gave us gifts! Moroccan hospitality at its best! World IS a beautiful place, let’s just not be afraid to embrace it.

What unique qualities does your company possess?

Omeida Chinese Academy is like a big family. There is this very warm and positive atmosphere around the school, everyone is smiley and happy, willing to help each other, share stories and laughs. Students tell me that they never feel alone here!

We (Chinese teachers and other staff) do many outdoor activities together with students. Last weekend for example we went camping to this huge cave that has a mind blowing view to the Limestone Mountains, we made a fire, sang songs and cooked food. Unforgettable memories for sure!