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Regeneration Field Institute

Why choose Regeneration Field Institute?

RFI is an organization based in California and Manabí, Ecuador. We lead
students in hands-on, bamboo building, design and regenerative agricultural
work at our institute and in nearby communities.

RFI's home is Los Arboleros Farm - a 70 acre regenerative agriculture project in
Chone, Ecuador producing bamboo, tropical timber, and diverse
vegetable, fruit and medicinal crops.

Through education programs and demonstration construction and agroforestry, our aim is to support future farmers, builders, entrepreneurs and designers to conduct socially and ecologically regenerative work. Our mission is to educate and
demonstrate the commercial viability of regenerative agriculture and
bamboo construction techniques.


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Yes, I recommend this program

A grateful teacher’s prospective

I have been a high school teacher for the past 20 years, and our school’s relationship with the Regeneration Field Institute has truly led to the most transformative learning experiences in the lives of the hundreds of students I have had the fortunate opportunity to travel with to beautiful Costal Ecuador. These experiences are truly life changing, memory making, inspiring, rooted in hope and community, grounded in regenerative practices that re-wild and reintroduce us to the interconnected web of biodiversity that all living creatures call home. It is the most enriching and meaningful type of hands on education that inspires all of my students to be the best versions of themselves. The Regeneration Field Institute is an extended family for our community; one that inspires us to live, build and dream more sustainably. And it encourages us to pursue passions, intercultural connections, and to be the change we want to see in world. I have worked with dozens of international travel organizations, and RFI stands alone on top of the list. I wholeheartedly recommend you give them a chance to change your life as they have done for me and my students.

  • Beautiful people
  • Beautiful land
  • Beautiful connections
  • Only having to leave
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Yes, I recommend this program

Excellent opportunity to learn sustainable agriculture systems abroad

RFI is an incredible organization that live up to their values and mission. This is an excellent opportunity to meet and connect with others who share a passion for sustainable approaches to agriculture and building, as well as anyone desiring to learn these methods through hands on workshops and accompanying lectures in a relaxed and beautiful setting. I felt more connected to nature and my peers after completing this program and hope to revisit the farm next year. Highly recommend this program!

  • Engaging learning material
  • Meet new people
  • Supportive and caring staff
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Yes, I recommend this program

Awesome experience with RFI

The staff were amazing, always helpful and friendly, and supporting us through our various struggles. The educational value of the program is insane; I learned so much about regenerative agriculture, agroforestry, and bamboo construction. I also learned about environmental issues Ecuador and the world is facing. That's all not to mention how much of a great cultural immersion this experience was. This program has taught me a lot about so many things, even myself, and I'm going to take knowledge I got here everywhere I go.

  • Wildlife sightings
  • Learning
  • Experiencing life on a regenerative farm
  • Very hot, humid climate
  • Possible traveler's sickness
  • You'll definitely get covered in dirt many times
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Yes, I recommend this program

UC Berkeley January 2022 Trip

This experience was truly life changing as it was something I didn’t know I needed/ wanted to experience one day. I had the best time with the best people on the trip as I was able to learn so much about sustainable materials, regenerative agriculture, construction, the natural ecosystem in Chone, and much more. I loved the hands on field work aspect in junction with the lectures as it allowed me to build and utilise what I learned. While I do miss this trip so much, I’m glad I went home with over a thousands photos and videos to look back on! Go on this program if you have the opportunity to!

  • Too much fun
  • Food and accommodation
  • The people and the experiences
  • Leaving
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Yes, I recommend this program

Life changing most incredible experience

My experience at RFI was incredible. Not only was I surrounded with incredible likeminded peers but I got to meet the most generous, most hardworking locals and staff. I learned so so much and regenerative sustainable agriculture, bamboo construction and material and most of all got to experience hard work, and contribute in a positive way to the community. If you love our world and our beautiful natural environment you will love RFI. I felt very safe and guided throughout the I can not recommend this experience more!

  • Learn so much about agroforestry, bamboo construction, planting
  • Help the local Ecuadorian community by restoring the plant diversity
  • Meet incredible compassionate and hardworking pekpel


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