Who are your typical students. What level of Spanish language understanding is suggested?

Posted by Saklad 8 years 7 months ago


That's a great question, and one I definitely asked myself before signing up with Carpe Diem Education. But after going on the trip and learning more about Carpe, I don't believe there is any typical student. I could pick a few defining characteristics of the students that go on Carpe Diem adventures. These would be a sense of adventure, a drive to explore new places, and a passion to learn not just about really amazing people and cultures around the world, but also themselves.

To the Spanish language aspect of your question, I went abroad with no Spanish language knowledge, it was definitely challenging at times, but I was almost always able to be able to communicate through (particularly at the beginning) a bit of charades and my progressing Spanish. The students in my group were a mix of people who had taken Spanish for years to people like me that didn't know any. The trip doesn't have any language requirement, and I think that's fair. If you have previous Spanish knowledge the beginning of the trip may be easier, but on the other hand I was able to walk off the plane when I got home and say that in three months I had learned to speak a language which I had never studied before. To me, learning a brand new language was a bonus.