Is it difficult to get A's in the USAC classes?

Posted by Shanelle Briggs 8 years 4 months ago

I have a 4.0 now and would hate to bring it down from being abroad.


Just like any other course, if you do your work and put in the effort you should be fine. The grades for the Spanish courses are based solely on the formula outlined in the syllabus: attendance, exams, presentations, etc.

I did not find it difficult at all to get As in the classes I took (I took the Latin American Studies and Ecology) track. I just showed up to class and did the work that was assigned, which was at the most to do a reading or two and be prepared to discuss in class. The only class I got an A- in was the Spanish Composition course (I am a native speaker).

I was an Environmental major in college so I found my environmental classes really easy in comparison to my home college. I know that non-native speakers worked/studied a lot mostly for their personal preference so that way they could pick up the language better.

If this person already has a 4.0 before getting Puntarenas, then they shouldn't worry about these classes because they will be a breeze, at least that's how I felt and my GPA was pretty high up there.

I say don't worry about the GPA because you will probably get the same GPA again and enjoy the Pura Vida ride because it is unmatched.

Please let me know if you need any clarification and/or more information. I'm happy to help.

Awesome! Thanks for your insights.

Yeah it's very easy. You have to go to class regardless so if you're not getting A's you're not really paying attention.

The answer to the question is no. If you go to class and actively participate then there should be no reason not to get A's. If you miss class and go to the beach, or go surf, then you might end up with B's like I did. But the majority of people got A's without a problem.

I did think it was challenging to get all As in my USAC program. I guess it would have to do with each individual class but overall I took normal classes in spanish, I had trouble, even as a native speaker, figuring out exactly what the teacher wanted in 2 specific classes. Latin American Literature and Latin American Poetry, the rest of my classes were fun and pretty easy to follow.