Teach English in Spain with LanguageCorps' TEFL Certification

Questions and Answers

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It is very difficult for non-EU citizens to acquire a work visa in Europe unless you are willing to stay long term. As there is a high demand for English teachers in Europe, teaching jobs are plentiful, but most schools don’t want to go through the hassle of helping short term teachers get a work visa unless they are willing to commit to a year or longer contract.

Hello, Average teaching salary in Spain ranges from €700-€1,800. Most participants find this is enough to allow them to live a comfortable but modest life in Spain, but to support a family you would need more than one income. -Languagecorps Program Advisor

Hey Narmin, Yes, absolutely! As a non-native speaker, you are required to take an English Placement Exam to determine your level of English. If you send an application through our website, we will get in touch with you to schedule a time for the exam. Meanwhile, have look at this blog post to see how you can increase your chances to teach English abroad as a non-native speaker: https://www...

Hey Danielle, Thank you for reaching out to us! It is important to have realistic expectations. If you are planning to travel with your family, we strongly advise considering our Online TEFL Course instead because the onsite TEFL courses are very intense and we are unable to offer any services to accommodate a full family. Also, a beginners ESL Salary is enough to cover your own costs, but does...

Hey Dennis! We suggest taking a look at programs that don't involve TEFL certification if you are already certified, because then you won't have to spend the time getting certified again and can instead jump right into teaching :)

The accommodations were located on a quiet street very close to the school and central Seville and convenient to grocery stores, cafes, and more. My room had a bed and wardrobe, cleaned by a cleaning staff. My window looked out over a courtyard so it was nice and quiet if I needed time to do work. We lived in a building with other teachers and also students from the language school so it was...

Although I did get a 6 month student Visa, there were many options and logistics behind other things so I'm not sure I'd be the best option.

I took the LanguageCorps TEFL course in Barcelona September 2014 and then continued to live and work in BCN until January 2015. I would recommend Barcelona over Madrid (personally). Madrid feels like any other city—Barcelona on the other hand is all its own; beach, mountains, city, local, tourist, culture everywhere!!! Just a truly unique and beautiful city—EXTREMELY easy to get around in...