Get TEFL Certified & Teach English in China

Questions and Answers

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Hey there! So it looks like the eligibility information you are looking for isn't available on their site. Because of that, I would reach out to them directly. Just copy and paste that link below!

Hi, thanks for stopping by! Unfortunately we don't have the eligibility details you're looking for. We recommend contacting the program provider directly to learn more about eligibility requirements. You can contact the provider here:….

Hi Ashley, get in touch with your ITA Admissions Advisor and they can talk through payment options with you! You can fill out a form here to be assigned an advisor -…

Hi Sara, yes you can teach English abroad in China without a 4 year degree. There are various countries around the world you can teach. Here's an article to start you out. Your next step would be to contact the ITA admissions staff to learn more, simply request a brochure online or call the office.