Very rewarding cultural, educational, and personal experience

Academics: 5
Support: 5
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

My program took place in Carraroe, Ireland, a town just outside of the city of Galway. This program was the perfect fit for me because it granted me several new experiences. I was immersed in a rural lifestyle, along with a new language and culture, and able to meet and connect with many different kinds of people. CEA CAPA is truly there for you through every step of studying abroad, from when you begin the application to when you're in the midst of the program and beyond. They encourage new experiences and foster independence while always granting you the support you need. I lived in a homestay during my program, so I felt that I was able to easily engage with the local community by getting to know my host family and hearing their stories. I also became good friends with the other students and we would organize fun excursions along with the several trips that CEA provides. Those excursions helped me explore places I would have never thought to visit and learn so much more about the history and beauty of Ireland. For academics, I took an Irish Language and Culture class. Although I had no prior knowledge of Irish, I found the course fascinating and so informative. I was able to practice my Irish with the locals at places like the grocery store or restaurants. Overall, my time abroad left me with lifelong friends from around the world and more confident in myself and my studies. It was an experience that will stick with me forever.

Would you recommend this program?
Yes, I would
Year Completed