My Experience Studying Abroad in Grenoble, France
Being a STEM major, I wasn't even sure if studying abroad would be an idea I could even entertain. However, through the opportunities provided to me by CEA CAPA, my home university, and Universite Grenoble Alpes, I was able to not only study abroad in Grenoble, France but have some of the best four months of my life. What I truly fell in love with was the beautiful landscape of Grenoble, but also its history. I was blessed with amazing CEA CAPA staff who guided me and my peers through our journey abroad. We even went on an excursion to southern France, including places such as Nice, Monaco, Monte Carlo, and Cannes. When I began college, studying abroad was not really on my bucket list. However, now after having experienced what I did, I think it is essential to all individuals for personal and professional benefits!