  • Czech Republic
    • Prague
Academic Year
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Program Type
Degree Level
High School Diploma


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Oct 16, 2018
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About Program

Medical Studies not only allows the opportunity to study in one of the most historical and beautiful metropolises in Europe, but also to earn a medical degree from one of the leading medical schools in the world.

The medical degree from Charles University is internationally recognized.

The faculty offers a 6 year program for general medicine. The first 3 years are taught in the university itself. However, starting the 4th year, international students have the opportunity to study one semester (12-clinical weeks) a year in their home countries.

The opportunity to perform clinical rotations in student’s home country serves as a great advantage. It allows abroad students to create professional contacts within the local hospitals & health-care systems, in which they will intern later on.

Some of our students have graduated from the medical program at Charles University in Prague! We are very proud of them and wish them luck in their future medical career!

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