  • South Africa
    • Cape Town
Project Types

Program Details

Hostel Hostel


Price Details
Pronogram fees are usually accompanied by a $150 administration fee.
Nov 10, 2016
Jan 24, 2016
2 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

It can’t be stressed enough how important proper care and attention is when it comes to early childhood development. However, in areas where poverty is an issue, childcare can often take the back-burner as a result of the devastating effects of crime, drug-use, alcohol abuse and HIV/AIDS.

The DTR Childcare Project’s purpose is to fill this need as best as possible, to ensure that children who are affected by these issues are given the care and attention they deserve. We do this with the help of the Dreams to Reality Day Care centres where volunteers who want to make a difference take the time to care for these children properly. Volunteers do this by engaging children in educational activities as well as cooking, cleaning and feeding. It goes without saying that there will also be plenty of time spent playing.

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 1 review
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4
  • Support 4
  • Fun 4
  • Value 5
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 1 of 1 reviews
Yes, I recommend this program

My time in South Africa

Without hesitation, I can say that my heart belongs to Africa. I fell in love with the country, the culture, the people, the food and the scenery.

When I got off the plane and arrived in CPT airport, I knew it was going to be a fantastic adventure. Two workers from Dreams to Reality welcomed my friend and I to South Africa and we soon found ourselves in a van with two other volunteers; one from Virginia and one from Belgium. Even though it was around 11pm at night and I had been up since the morning the day before, I was wide awake trying to take everything in. We arrived to our volunteer house and were greeted by fellow volunteers who showed us our room.

The next morning we had an exciting morning with our orientation, a tour of Cape Town and signing up for adventures! I quickly became friends with everyone! One thing that I will never forget is what I saw when our driver took us through Capricorn to see where our kids were living. We have poverty in Canada but it is nothing in comparison to what I saw in this township. It was so surreal to me and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. To me, I felt as if I was watching a movie because 'how could anyone live in an environment like this?'. I could not believe that this is what our kids lived in; storage containers, garbage all around their homes, lack of clean amenities or proper supplies of food. I came so close to tears because I know that this is all these kids know. I knew that I wanted to make a difference to at least one of these kids lives if that's all I can do.

Since the kids were still on holiday, I got to volunteer with the Holiday program which consisted of going to the beach, the daycare centre, and the parks with all of the kids from Capricorn! I can't even describe to you how I felt when I first met these kids. They were so full of joy, so welcoming and so ready to become friends with you and to show you all of their dance moves/sports skills.

I don't think I ever stopped smiling while I was with the kids. I grew so fond of them and I knew I would hate having to say bye to them. I just remember one of the boys in my classroom pulled me aside and told me that he loved me and when he gets older he would buy me a car and that way I could go and see him whenever I wanted to. He is three years old and for him to say that to me, made me smile so much because he doesn't have much where he is and yet is willing to give to other people so that they are happy and that's what makes him happy.

Alongside having an amazing time with the kids at the childcare centre, I had an amazing time with my housemates. We all came from different parts of the world which makes us different but what makes us alike is that we all came to South Africa for the same reason; to help out in the community and try and make a small difference in at least one child's life.

I will never forget my time in Africa. The friendships I formed, the children and locals that I met, the adventures that I went on, the beautiful sunrises/sunsets I saw, the culture that I immersed myself in and my overall experience being in a foreign country.

What would you improve about this program?
If I had to change one thing about the program it would be to make the volunteer days longer. I wish I had more time with the kids rather than just half a day (9am-1pm on average). I know that the schedules of the kids vary, but I just would have liked to spend more time with them, especially because I had such a small amount of time there.
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