AFS in China changed my life!

Growth: 5
Support: 4
Fun: 5
Housing: 5
Safety: 5

From the moment I arrived in my host city to the time I boarded my flight back to the US ten months later, living in China was a rollercoaster of fun. While living and studying in Liaoning Anshan I was immersed in a new language and culture that gave me a new view on the world. My host family was warm and welcoming from the first day on and I felt at home during the whole year. At school I made friends that I will have for the rest of my life while simultaneously learning Chinese from fabulous teachers. Although there were some times when I missed home, the people around me always reminded me that I was at home in China. Besides school and family life I had lots of free time to explore my extracurricular interests. This included learning calligraphy after school, going to a gym where I met some new friends, and travelling throughout the country. If you have an opportunity to go abroad, AFS China should be at the top of your list!

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Yes, I would
Year Completed